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SalMasRac 9 May, 2016 @ 4:44pm
Wheeljack and Ranged Weapons
Stop trying to play Wheeljack like a gimped Sideswipe, and start playing him like Wheeljack! He has the absolute highest Ranged Attack stat of all the Autobots. Slap some Ranged Attack +30% Tech Chips on him, and an elemental Assault Rifle, then dodge into either Bullet Time or Light Attack Reversal > Ranged Attacks. You may have noticed that his Focus Time is incredibly short, even with Focus+ Tech. I think the idea is that if you're not going into Bullet Time or Reversal Shooting, you're doing it wrong.

Headshots (with most guns) will trigger a free Vehicle Attack from any range.
Last edited by SalMasRac; 13 May, 2016 @ 3:28pm
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SalMasRac 12 May, 2016 @ 11:49pm 
Here's a video for Challenge 33 Prime Difficulty that I just ran a few hours ago. This is an excellent showcase of Wheeljack performing Gun-Swap Combos, as opposed to the Melee-Swap Combos that you see other Autobots doing.

One particular highlight of this clip is how much damage Starscream took from my initial assault. As I drove towards him in Vehicle Mode, I fired my Thermal Missiles, before activating a Light Rush Attack, into Vehicle Attack, swapped to my Hyper-Freeze Launcher to blast him as the Vehicle Attack ended, which hit him in the head (among other places), triggering an additional Vehicle Attack, after which I swapped back to my Thermal Missiles to fire a second volley right into his face, before finally swapping to my Assault Rifle and tagging him a few times as I fell back to the ground and swung around to finish him off. (He got away, but more on that later).

The entire sequence looks to have taken around 85% of his total HP. If I had taken the chance of waiting long enough to fire a third Thermal Missile instead of my Assault Rifle, I might very well have destroyed him with just one attack sequence. I did trigger a midair Vehicle Attack from a stock Seeker, that slammed me back into Starscream, at which time he got that third Missile volley I owed him, which put him down for the count.

I will add that I am aware of the rapid-fire gun morph glitch, but I couldn't use it even if I wanted to (which I don't). As far as I can tell, it doesn't work playing on PC with keyboard and mouse. That's fine with me, because that crap is absurd and couldn't possibly have been intended.

As Wheeljack gets the bulk of his damage from his guns, I spec his Ionizer Sword as a buffstick. His guns are specced for maximum damage output.

Menasor's Ionizer Sword:
Attack Speed
Robot Speed
Alt Speed
Item Pull

Hyper Freeze Launcher:

Thermal Missiles:

Burn Assault Rifle:
Fire Rate+

Tech Chips are (ideally) going to be x4 Ranged Attack +30%, mixed with Max Dodge, Enhanced Dodge, Auto-Recover, and Energy Auto-Recover. ATM, I have 3 Ranged Attack+, mixed with Drop Rarity+, Auto-Recover, and Acceleration+, with a combo Max Dodge+Enhanced Dodge in the 4th slot. This isn't ideal, of course, but RNGesus hates me. :Bumblebee:
Last edited by SalMasRac; 13 May, 2016 @ 12:25am
Tamare <3 4 Sep, 2024 @ 6:25pm 
you convinced me to main wheeljack now he's crazy broken
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