Red Johnson's Chronicles - 1+2 - Steam Special Edition

Red Johnson's Chronicles - 1+2 - Steam Special Edition

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Quick time events
There is something wrong with the sensitivity or with the click timing on the quick time events - I need to swing my mouse really hard in the direction and spam click and it only works sometimes. Is it me or the actual game?
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It's not only you. Sometimes I have to move the mouse very hard for the game to recognize it, and sometimes it does not work at all no matter how I swing it.
Too bad we can't reassign the controls! This game may be good for the consoles and their controllers, but it is almost unplayable with the mouse.
yeah the game needs a patch asap
Trying to do the slider puzzle early in the game and it's barely recognizing left/right movement but up/down works perfectly, getting frustrated.
It's just badly shown, often you only need to slowly move the mouse up or down. Bigger problem when you have to turn the mouse in a circular fashion as often for puzzles this just refuses to work. Why on earth they didn't fix these controls is a mystery. Not a bad game aside from that.
So you guys have been able to get past the first quicktime event? Sometimes, not very often I get past the first Left-action, but if their is a trick I am missing it. But then I always lose on the up-action. how exactly, did you guys get it to work? Clicking seems to be involved, do I click and hold when swiping, or what exactly?
Most of the time I cannot even get it to register that I have even attempted to do anything, and the time runs out as I furiously swipe left and click. But it does fail, and sometimes even pass, but no luck on replicating and learning from successes at all.
Definietelly not just you. I was able to pass most of the QTEs and puzzles just fine, but there were times when the game just refused to register the mouse movement :cwat:
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