Man Made
Bugs here

Found some bugs in the game:

- I bought 2 bottles of water at the store, put it on my bar, drank it, both bottle disappeared. My water meter was almost empty, but it did fill up to 50%. I bought a single bottle of water, drank it, filled my water meter to 100%.

- I cut a tree down, I pick up a log, brought it closer to my place on foot, by hand. I did it a few times, but the last piece, where the tree fell, I keep picking up the other logs I brought closer to my place back to where the tree fell.

- I tried to use the table saw, I put the generator close to the table saw, I started the generator, I saw an option on the generator with arrows, involving Q and E. Q didn't do much, but E, would make me pick up a log, even after trying to put the logs away from the area.

- I dropped the log with Q, ran inside the camper to save the game, hitting E would make me pick a log up, none around, instead of saving the game. Somehow, by spamming Q and E, the game saved.

- Tunnel mission, delivered the first trailer, no problem, it unlocked a side. I was delivering the second trailer, I hit T to finish task, the trailer is gone, I didn't get paid and it didn't open the other side of the tunnel. On top of that, I have the message T to finish task stuck in my screen.

- I hooked the trailer that was close to the RV trailer, where we save, I went to get some wood logs with it, thought I would do like the trailer showed and stack the logs inside the trailer. It didn't work, there were no prompt option to store log in the trailer, and even dropping one inside the trailer wouldn't "stick" to a slot. Also, I went to get more logs, and sometimes even though I'm like 10 meters away I would lift up the log that was near the trailer.

- I crafted some work station from the anvil. When crafting something, if your inventory is full, the items gets consumed but you don't get the crafted item.

- I restarted a new game because the old one was a bit glitchy, all the crafting station I crafted in the previous save are still there.

Edit on November 9th: I replicated this event twice in a row. When you are hooked with your trailer, happened when I was empty, I won't try it with cargo. If you hit tab to open the inventory or pause the game. Hitting tab again to close inventory launched me in the air twice. I believe depending on how long the game was pause, the higher and faster you go. I reached speed of 700 km/h going up. When I fell down, I fell through the map.

Suggestion for the game:

- A cruise control would be nice, if there's not one yet....

- Finding Dimitri after visiting my place the first time was a bit tricky. Which he was in a warehouse on the right when you arrive with the car, the door is open. Going around the port made me realize all the possible deliveries was nice, but maybe a blib on a compass to easily find him would be nice.

- A way to lock the minimap, navigation, with north pointing up.

- A unstuck button, I didn't need one yet.


- How do we repair? I went to the mechanic, got inside, parked in the green zone, I was charged 100 to get inside, and to come out it was another 100. Nothing happened, nothing fixed, I thought it was a DIY kind of garage, but had no interaction with any parts.

- How do we plug in the table saw to the generator? Do I need an extension?

Автор останньої редакції: Catastrophology; 9 листоп. 2024 о 9:38
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i think we arent numerous, it would be fair if the dev could privide answers
Автор останньої редакції: Kollage; 9 листоп. 2024 о 0:50
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Опубліковано: 7 листоп. 2024 о 12:48
Дописів: 1