Naval Action

Naval Action

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Ink  [developer] 6 Aug, 2019 @ 6:20am
Post Launch RMT/Gold Seller policy update
Advertising messages selling items/gold/ships for real world currency is strictly forbidden. Players posting such messages in public spaces will receive permanent ban from chat without warning. Please report such messages by an in game report function and by posting in tribunal. Multiple reports on the same steam id (mass advertising) could also cause permanent game access bans.

Keep in mind that we only accept in-game chat reports as proof, as reddit, discord and other platforms posts can be fabricated to badmouth users.

Always remember that a good portion of of gold sellers are not there to sell you gold but to steal your credit card. Do not engage in transactions with shady brokers as you might lose all your money.
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Инк редиска не хорошая) А русских предупредить?
Originally posted by Ink:
Advertising messages selling items/gold/ships for real world currency is strictly forbidden. Players posting such messages in public spaces will receive permanent ban from chat without warning. Please report such messages by an in game report function and by posting in tribunal. Multiple reports on the same steam id (mass advertising) could also cause permanent game access bans.

Keep in mind that we only accept in-game chat reports as proof, as reddit, discord and other platforms posts can be fabricated to badmouth users.

Always remember that a good portion of of gold sellers are not there to sell you gold but to steal your credit card. Do not engage in transactions with shady brokers as you might lose all your money.
Это перевод.
Обновление политики продажи RMT/золота после запуска
Рекламные сообщения о продаже предметов/золота/кораблей за валюту реального мира строго запрещены. Игроки, размещающие такие сообщения в публичных местах, получат перманентный бан из чата без предупреждения. Пожалуйста, сообщайте о таких сообщениях с помощью функции сообщения в игре и через трибунал. Множественные сообщения на один и тот же steam id (массовая реклама) также могут привести к постоянному запрету доступа в игру.

Помните, что мы принимаем в качестве доказательств только сообщения из внутри-игрового чата, так как сообщения на reddit, discord и других платформах могут быть сфабрикованы, чтобы очернить пользователей.

Всегда помните, что большая часть продавцов золота не продает вам золото, а хочет украсть вашу кредитную карту. Не вступайте в сделки с сомнительными брокерами, так как вы можете потерять все свои деньги.
Last edited by Divine Star Emperor; 25 Dec, 2021 @ 9:05pm
Magnumopus 18 Apr, 2022 @ 4:50pm 
Originally posted by Ink:
Advertising messages selling items/gold/ships for real world currency is strictly forbidden. Players posting such messages in public spaces will receive permanent ban from chat without warning. Please report such messages by an in game report function and by posting in tribunal. Multiple reports on the same steam id (mass advertising) could also cause permanent game access bans.

Keep in mind that we only accept in-game chat reports as proof, as reddit, discord and other platforms posts can be fabricated to badmouth users.

Always remember that a good portion of of gold sellers are not there to sell you gold but to steal your credit card. Do not engage in transactions with shady brokers as you might lose all your money.

Forbidden for players...not devs or company players, they don't want compitition
rossi191 15 Oct, 2022 @ 6:52am 
Originally posted by Ink:
Advertising messages selling items/gold/ships for real world currency is strictly forbidden. Players posting such messages in public spaces will receive permanent ban from chat without warning. Please report such messages by an in game report function and by posting in tribunal. Multiple reports on the same steam id (mass advertising) could also cause permanent game access bans.

Keep in mind that we only accept in-game chat reports as proof, as reddit, discord and other platforms posts can be fabricated to badmouth users.

Always remember that a good portion of of gold sellers are not there to sell you gold but to steal your credit card. Do not engage in transactions with shady brokers as you might lose all your money.

if buying ships with real world money is forbidden can i have my money back for the dlc ships i payed for with real world money if you want people to not buy ships with money then you should lead by example
diving sailor 8 Nov, 2022 @ 1:40am 
Originally posted by Ink:
Advertising messages selling items/gold/ships for real world currency is strictly forbidden. Players posting such messages in public spaces will receive permanent ban from chat without warning. Please report such messages by an in game report function and by posting in tribunal. Multiple reports on the same steam id (mass advertising) could also cause permanent game access bans.

Keep in mind that we only accept in-game chat reports as proof, as reddit, discord and other platforms posts can be fabricated to badmouth users.

Always remember that a good portion of of gold sellers are not there to sell you gold but to steal your credit card. Do not engage in transactions with shady brokers as you might lose all your money.
i feel like i have been scammed id like to report it
smieklss 8 Nov, 2022 @ 2:30am 
Когда я покупал эту игру, то я был доволен, что купил то, что хотел, несмотря, что я был полный нубас в этом. Теперь игру на столько изуродовали, что эти "суперсоздатели" свою "бесплатную игру могут засунуть себе в жопу. Это, конечно, моё мнение, но оно есть! If you want, i can write down it English, but i hope, you understood what i mean!
Karaa 27 Nov, 2022 @ 10:54am 
barsuk98rus 19 Dec, 2022 @ 12:36am 
где бутылки одна рыба и соль за 52 часа шоркаясь по антлантике не одной не выпало
EliotXII 19 Dec, 2022 @ 10:32am 
no, I refuse to report this, you guys chose this when you took the port missions that gave dobblons, come back with the Develivry missions and then we'll talk about it, or get my money back on ships I bought with real money with YOUR DLC's.
Last edited by EliotXII; 19 Dec, 2022 @ 10:35am
76561199442946199 23 Dec, 2022 @ 6:13pm 
Why sell anything in the game if you then delete the content of the players every 3 months? Is someone so stupid to buy something with real money so that you delete the content whenever you want? For this December 26, a new wipe is announced, everything worked on this game for nothing. start from 0. that policy of trying to sell DLC and forcing players not to start with nothing. realize their policies we do not like anyone
Subzero 25 Dec, 2022 @ 1:49am 
Originally posted by leopoldoruizleo:
Why sell anything in the game if you then delete the content of the players every 3 months? Is someone so stupid to buy something with real money so that you delete the content whenever you want? For this December 26, a new wipe is announced, everything worked on this game for nothing. start from 0. that policy of trying to sell DLC and forcing players not to start with nothing. realize their policies we do not like anyone
its for free daily ships so you dont have to grind for it
Last edited by Subzero; 25 Dec, 2022 @ 1:49am
Originally posted by Ink:
Advertising messages selling items/gold/ships for real world currency is strictly forbidden. Players posting such messages in public spaces will receive permanent ban from chat without warning. Please report such messages by an in game report function and by posting in tribunal. Multiple reports on the same steam id (mass advertising) could also cause permanent game access bans.

Keep in mind that we only accept in-game chat reports as proof, as reddit, discord and other platforms posts can be fabricated to badmouth users.

Always remember that a good portion of of gold sellers are not there to sell you gold but to steal your credit card. Do not engage in transactions with shady brokers as you might lose all your money.
I know I'm new to the game and all but don't you guys do this? I mean I can go on your store and I can clearly see that you guys are selling ships, items, and probably gold as well. Wait never mind he said Advertisements. So we can do it but we can't advertise it in chat.
Raidmax 26 Dec, 2022 @ 12:58am 
Originally posted by Ink:
Advertising messages selling items/gold/ships for real world currency is strictly forbidden. Players posting such messages in public spaces will receive permanent ban from chat without warning. Please report such messages by an in game report function and by posting in tribunal. Multiple reports on the same steam id (mass advertising) could also cause permanent game access bans.

Keep in mind that we only accept in-game chat reports as proof, as reddit, discord and other platforms posts can be fabricated to badmouth users.

Always remember that a good portion of of gold sellers are not there to sell you gold but to steal your credit card. Do not engage in transactions with shady brokers as you might lose all your money.

C'est tout a fait normal ! Eux c'est les dev il on le droit de vendre des dlc au joueurs et des gold pour l’économie du jeu pour qu'il continue a dev le jeu et a payer les serveur et les gens qui travailler dessus, donc je dit oui !
CAT_life2 26 May, 2024 @ 12:37pm 
What about wipes? Don't they seal massive amounts of gold and stuff too? It is only virtual money...but it is real time?
michel_medieval 1 Jun, 2024 @ 12:55pm 
reading the comments above ... humanity is truly doomed ...
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