Ninja Rift
Maximum Effort! 2024년 9월 14일 오후 8시 20분
Not new player friendly

I had high hopes for Ninja Rift, but my experience as a new player has been nothing but frustrations. It’s clear that this game was not designed with newcomers in mind. Right from the start, I felt isolated and unwelcome. One of the most basic features in any online multiplayer game—adding a friend—turned into a headache. The process is overly complicated, and when I tried to ask for help, I was either ignored or met with condescending responses from veteran players. Instead of building a supportive community, it feels like the game fosters an environment where newcomers are looked down upon for not knowing the intricacies.

To make matters worse, the clan system is practically inaccessible for new players. I was excited to join a clan, thinking it would help me learn the game and progress, but most of them don’t even consider recruiting anyone below a certain level or experience. It’s incredibly discouraging to see so many clans dismiss new players outright, creating an insular community that discourages growth. If you're a new player hoping to enjoy Ninja Rift, be prepared to feel like an outsider.

It’s disappointing to see a game with so much potential put up so many barriers for newcomers. I’d love to see changes that promote inclusivity, but for now, Ninja Rift is not a welcoming place for fresh players.
게시된 날짜: 2024년 9월 14일 오후 8시 20분
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