Knight Squad

Knight Squad

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Lexicon 10 Thg11, 2023 @ 1:14am
Worms Attack buffed/bugged?
(not sure if anyone will read this)
Came back to this game to try out the challenges again and I've found that this mode on Insane Mode is significantly harder then when I first completed it 5 years ago. In the past the worms would rotate a lot more naturally, with the head moving in a direction and the body following shortly after in the exact same path. Now for some reason the body seems to be forced to be completely straight in line with the head at all times, which makes for a lot of situations that are nigh impossible to survive.
This new behaviour also makes the worm "whip around" immediately when hitting another worm/wall in some scenarios which can end up being essentially an instant-kill that you have no time to react to if you are even a little close to the worm.
Just curious if how the worms act now was intended from the beginning or if this is a bug as for me the mode in this state is extremely difficult to survive for longer than 2 minutes on (let alone complete) despite my ability to clear it without much issue 5 years ago.

Thanks for the game though, have had fun coming back to it with the exception of this mode changing lol
Lần sửa cuối bởi Lexicon; 10 Thg11, 2023 @ 1:19am