TOME: Immortal Arena

TOME: Immortal Arena

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When posting in this forum please be sure to follow all posting rules. These rules can be found on the right labeled as "Discussions Rules and Guidelines"

A few topics to double up on what not to post on the forums are as follows

  • Do not create posts to discuss bans. Contact CS for further information
  • Do not post your customer support interactions on the forums
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  • Be respectful to others in threads. Toxicity is something we are tracking very diligently here and I will not tolerate disrespectful players.


Will this game have ranked play?
Yes. More info #Soon
Do you plan to do something with people who afk out of games or queue dodge?
It is currently being worked on. We are just as passionate as you are in regards to stopping people from ruining the game experience by leaving games.
Settings? We'd like some more are you going to add them?
Indeed. This is in the works. Odds are that as we continue to grow the game so will we continue to update basic functionality such as settings and UI.
Do you plan to balance Guardians?
Yes. The main thing to understand when it comes to Guardian balance though easy to call out what makes it a Guardian or mechanic bad, it is hard to do so with constructive insight on how to create something new or improve upon an existing Guardian. With that said time is also a major component in Guardian balance. If a change needs to be made we can work towards it, but not with the expectation of it being done in a week after it is said.
Naposledy upravil Skeedorr; 27. lis. 2014 v 13.53