Metro 2033 Redux

Metro 2033 Redux

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FOV Resolution fix - ultrawide or widescreen support
user.cfg Edit with notpade

C:\Users\(put your user here)\AppData\Local\4A Games\Metro 2033\1100001009bf77c

set your FOV (above 60 can look wank)
r_base_fov 60
set your rez
r_res_hor 3440
r_res_vert 1440
set this to off
r_fullscreen off
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
how do i set these? do i go in game and set these or do i have to modify computer files that are associated with this game?
SlasH 12 Jan @ 10:54am 
Originally posted by anthonyconrad578:
how do i set these?
Originally posted by Shentharo:
user.cfg Edit with notpade

C:\Users\(put your user here)\AppData\Local\4A Games\Metro 2033\1100001009bf77c
Dryspace 17 Jan @ 9:15pm 
Originally posted by Shentharo:
(above 60 can look wank)

That's only because your screen is too small and you're sitting too far away from it.

If your In-Game FoV matches your Display FoV you will have zero distortion or "fisheye", no matter how high the In-Game FoV.

The higher your Display FoV the higher the immersion --- as long as your In-Game FoV matches.

This is something you can test yourself. Measure your screen width and then measure the distance from the screen to your forehead when you are at your normal playing distance.

Then find a calculator online for determining your Display FoV. If you can't find one, I'll post a link, or you can copy this formula into Excel:

=2*(DEGREES(ATAN(( Screen Width /2)/ View Distance )))
Last edited by Dryspace; 17 Jan @ 9:17pm
Originally posted by Dryspace:
Originally posted by Shentharo:
(above 60 can look wank)

That's only because your screen is too small and you're sitting too far away from it.

If your In-Game FoV matches your Display FoV you will have zero distortion or "fisheye", no matter how high the In-Game FoV.

The higher your Display FoV the higher the immersion --- as long as your In-Game FoV matches.

This is something you can test yourself. Measure your screen width and then measure the distance from the screen to your forehead when you are at your normal playing distance.

Then find a calculator online for determining your Display FoV. If you can't find one, I'll post a link, or you can copy this formula into Excel:

=2*(DEGREES(ATAN(( Screen Width /2)/ View Distance )))
It's VERTICAL FOV, 60 in game is 91 horizontal. Keep that in mind.
Yeah, naa mate I'm talking about the fov and the graphical issues with the char that are wank not the way fov works. The arms, guns etc.
Dryspace 19 Jan @ 7:27pm 
Originally posted by Radical Randy:
It's VERTICAL FOV, 60 in game is 91 horizontal. Keep that in mind.

Yes, I'm well aware of that. I run a horizontal In-Game FoV of 110° with literally zero distortion, because my Display FoV is also 110° (55" 16:9 4K at a View Distance of 18").

I'm sure even a 60° horizontal FoV would show visible distortion on a tiny display like a Steam Deck**, but I'm referring to the average PC setup.

** The horizontal Display FoV of a Steam Deck at a 15" View Distance is 18°. At 22" it's 12.3°.
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