Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Achievements like these are not nice!
It should be possible to finish all the achievements of a game without wasting 6 WEEKS of your life in it!

It's an effrontery! But that's just my opinion.
Editat ultima dată de Cyan; 17 nov. 2017 la 8:30
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Bjoern 11 nov. 2017 la 8:34 
I disagree. There should be a 2500 hours and 5000 hours achievement added. But that's just my opinion.
Cyan 11 nov. 2017 la 8:49 
Now imagine every third game has an achievement like that.
Everyone has a game that he or she plays the most but things like these are bullsh#!.
Hell, even every 10th or 20th game, doesn't matter! It's over the top!
Editat ultima dată de Cyan; 11 nov. 2017 la 8:50
now imagine having 5000 hours achivement unlocked. And 1000 hours achivement locked - OLOLOLLOLOLOLO
People getting a boner for achievements should be banned. Just play the game and you'll have it eventually.
Postat inițial de Baryonyx:
People getting a boner for achievements should be banned. Just play the game and you'll have it eventually.

My man.
trust me, if you really enjoy the game at some point you'll have a thousand hours
bladee 11 nov. 2017 la 15:27 
his profile picture explains quuuuuuite alot
There are games to be done with in couple hours, and there are games to spend thousands of hours without even trying. Guess which one is TTS
bladee 12 nov. 2017 la 2:15 
Postat inițial de chry:
Petition to add 2500/5000/10000 hour achievements so I can increase my tabletop epeen while keeping the furry germans angry over superfluous nonsense.
Cyan 12 nov. 2017 la 3:23 
You're a furry, your point is invalid. You're german, you're a nazi.
We're fanboys, we're right. We're a group, we bash you.
lol what... Who cares about eh achievements, get over it. It funny how kids these days are so concerned about stupid things ugh.
How much time did you spend on board games as a child tho? :c
eeDee 12 nov. 2017 la 9:09 
I think achievements should be just like that; actual achievements. Leaving a comment on the chat isn't an achievement in my book
Cyan 12 nov. 2017 la 9:12 
Playing for 1000 hours doesn't have to do with skill though.
Do you consider this an 'actual' achievement?
Editat ultima dată de Cyan; 12 nov. 2017 la 9:13
Psyrek 12 nov. 2017 la 9:20 
Achievements don't necessarily require skill. Effort is also assotiated with achievements, which 1000 hours would be an effort.
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Data postării: 11 nov. 2017 la 8:31
Postări: 45