Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones

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18 Sep @ 3:39am
Update on Title Update Y1S3.1 Maintenance Issues
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
so you gave us a bunch of crap ........the springs was ok......but the rest is doo doo butt cheeks
thanks for nothing
Outlaw 18 Sep @ 3:01pm 
I know this game is "supposed" to be centered around naval battle.. buuuut I think, respectively speaking for the larger portion of the community when saying this, ship boarding and plundering with at least basic hand to hand combat, or the choice to either captain your ship or hop on either an enemy ship or island to "do it yourself" would add an immeasurable amount of depth, content, excitement, more players, and make every single battle more interesting, and rewarding. You know, being a pirate. that being said, we understand there's more content coming and new additions have already being made, but we crave a true pirate experience, and this game is very close to that w/ Black Flag being the better of the two, this could easily surpass that given the right amount of effort and care! Anyways Thanks!
Thank you for quick reaction.
Originally posted by Outlaw:
I know this game is "supposed" to be centered around naval battle.. buuuut I think, respectively speaking for the larger portion of the community when saying this, ship boarding and plundering with at least basic hand to hand combat, or the choice to either captain your ship or hop on either an enemy ship or island to "do it yourself" would add an immeasurable amount of depth, content, excitement, more players, and make every single battle more interesting, and rewarding. You know, being a pirate. that being said, we understand there's more content coming and new additions have already being made, but we crave a true pirate experience, and this game is very close to that w/ Black Flag being the better of the two, this could easily surpass that given the right amount of effort and care! Anyways Thanks!

Black Flag Online this is not. We all wish it had more from ACs or even surpassing them, but as we see it's difficult making an online game stable and work. Ground combat etc would be completely new challenge to tackle. Let's hope this naval gets stable at least and if it gets enough wind maybe they'll add more stuff.
Camel Tony 18 Sep @ 5:11pm 
what a bunch a ubi goons :steammocking:
Dodo-Ukko 18 Sep @ 11:55pm 
Originally posted by STEALTHxKILLZ:
so you gave us a bunch of crap ........the springs was ok......but the rest is doo doo butt cheeks
thanks for nothing

Come on, you clearly love the taste of Bitterballen.
Hello developers! Thank you very much for the game! I've been playing it for weeks all-day long, I'm having a blast so far!

But this game lacks trans LGBTQIA+ trans humans, which is huge let down. I'm very sad and very angry!

Originally posted by Stasi-Kommandomöse Brunfthilde:
Hello developers! Thank you very much for the game! I've been playing it for weeks all-day long, I'm having a blast so far!

But this game lacks trans LGBTQIA+ trans humans, which is huge let down. I'm very sad and very angry!

♥♥♥♥ you with lgbt ♥♥♥♥ you invalid
Originally posted by Coco jambo:
Originally posted by Stasi-Kommandomöse Brunfthilde:
Hello developers! Thank you very much for the game! I've been playing it for weeks all-day long, I'm having a blast so far!

But this game lacks trans LGBTQIA+ trans humans, which is huge let down. I'm very sad and very angry!

♥♥♥♥ you with lgbt ♥♥♥♥ you invalid

My dear Coco Jumbo!

Please refrain from using insults, abusive language, foul words, slurs and hostility towards me! Otherwise I will be forced to denounce you.

Instead, you can be a positive and shining example for society by promoting and advancing LGBTQIA+ trans rights at a high pace and request the developer to include LGBTQIA+ trans rights and diversity, equity, and inclusion elements into all the game we love and cherish. It's about ime our gaming world is more inclusive. The storylines of our games must reflect the diversity of our bodys and minds!

By the way: I'm pansexual fluid.
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