

Problems with the achievements Take it easy and My way or the Highway
Hey everyone :),
I have problems with 2 achievements. I try to get the achievements ''My way or the highway'' and ''Take it easy''. I know that you need to turn on all the experience settings in ''Take it easy'' and turn them off on ''My way or the highway''. I did this but dind't get the achievements. Even trough the game I checked if they were on/off. Do someone know what I need to do?
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i did a full playthrough with each of these settings if i remember correctly so I pretty much played the game alot. but iam not sure if you really need to do a full playthrough
Duif3 2024年6月18日 8時07分 
Ah I found the problem. Apperenlty you get the achievement if you do the second ending, like going back to the school and fight the lady in red.
so you need to finish the game with the good ending in order to get the achievements :D
Duif3 2024年6月29日 2時29分 
Sodaykin の投稿を引用:
so you need to finish the game with the good ending in order to get the achievements :D
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