The Evil Within

The Evil Within

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Is there any way to get a double-barreled shotgun? / Можно ли как то получить двуствольный дробовик?
Здравствуйте. Играю в игру с 2016 года,помню с детства как в игру на ПС3 при предзаказе давали доп. болты и мощный двуствольный дробовик. И вот в 2024 году я купил сезон пасс и ничего не дает. Может есть какие нибудь консольные команды для получения его? Прошу отзовитесь
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Unfortunately the Steam version is absolute trash and doesn't include the Fighting Chance DLC with the season pass. The Gog and I think Microsoft Store versions do. Unsure about Epic.
It's a shame, but thanks for answering, friend! :Oda:
You can buy the code online, but there's not many left and you're at minimum paying $15-20, which isn't worth it at all. Use a sort of unlocker/mod to get it into your inventory or just get the game again on another platform. The Steam version's the worst version, sadly.
but if it's not difficult for you, can you tell me which opener you need to download to have a weapon?
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