Resident Evil 4 (2005)

Resident Evil 4 (2005)

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WBacon  [developer] 1 Mar, 2014 @ 12:59pm
Tips for reducing Slow-down & Audio desync (Updated: Apr. 18th)
While we collect your feedback in the "Post your issues here" thread, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce some tips & tricks that may help alleviate some of the in-game performance issues you may be facing.

System Requirements
First of all, please check the Minimum and Recommended system requirements as outlined on the store page. This is very important as it has quite an impact on how the game will perform on your system.

Users with Recommended or better specs should be able to maintain 60fps with most, if not all of the bells and whistle features enabled with relative ease while maintaining 1920x1080 or better (the ‘better’ part really depends on your GPU specs).

Those users with Minimum specs or slightly above will need to consider toning down some of the video options in order to maintain proper in-game speed.

Systems not meeting the Minimum requirements aren’t tested or officially supported, but the tips and tricks outlined here should help.

Performance Tuning Strategy

Anti-Aliasing (OFF 2X, 4X, 8X) – AA is the single biggest killer of your GPU’s rendering performance. If you’re experiencing slow-downs and/or audio synch issues, lower it to 2X or turn it OFF completely. The difference between 2X and 8X in particular is not that big of a leap in terms of visual fidelity, especially if the screen resolution is above 1080P.

Screen Resolution (variable) – this is another area that has huge implications on your video rendering performance. Try lowering it 1280x720 (or whatever lowest resolution option your WIndows support) as a baseline and work your way up if you don't see any performance issues.

Shadow Quality (Low, Medium, High) – While the visual effect in-game seems relatively benign, this actually has a significant impact on your system’s rendering performance. Those experiencing slow-downs and audio synchronization issues should consider lowering this setting. Start with the lowest and work your way up to find the sweet spot.

Frame Rate (30fps, 60 fps) – If none of the aforementioned tweaks doesn't solve your slow motion or audio synch issues, it may be an indication that your system is unable to maintain both video rendering and proper in-game speeds. You may need to switch to the original game’s 30fps mode in order to maintain proper gameplay speeds.

Motion Blur (ON, OFF) – Haven’t experimented much on this feature in terms of performance impact, but the general consenus from the community seems that this should be left off regardless of whether you have performance issues or not. It adds a full-screen motion blur effect, so any fast-moving objects or quick shift in scenery will cause the screen to blur a bit.

Texture Quality (Original, HD) – Provided your GPU has ample onboard memory, the impact should be fairly minimal even if you choose HD textures. That said, it’s another area to experiment if you have lower than minimum specs, including but not limited to onboard/integrated GPU.

Post Process (OFF, 1, 2, 3) – This option applies different screen filter effect such as monotone, classic horror, and high contrast (that’s just me giving it names instead of using numbers). I don’t believe this has any noticeable impact on the game’s rendering performance, but you may want to turn it off just to be safe. The general consensus, however, is to keep it OFF from a visual quality perspective.

Anisotropy (0, 2, 4, 8, 16) – Important Note: Anisotropic filtering option is only available in config.ini. This option changes the texture filtering level which essentially reduces the level of detail for objects that are further away from the player character. Lowering the number will reduce the texture fidelity, but this may help increase performance for PCs that are at or below minimum system requirements.

Example: anisotropy 4

config.ini can be found in C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\Documents\My Games\Capcom\RE4\
*Replace xxxxxxxx with your Windows login name

Laptop/Notebook Users
Those with switchable GPU setups such as NVIDIA’s Optimus Technology[] and AMD’s Switchable Graphics Technology[] can refer to HaydenK’s excellent guide which I’ve pinned on the forum.

Basically, you need to ensure the NVIDIA/AMD’s 3D control panel is specifically assigning the discrete, high performance GPU to Resident Evil 4’s executable (bio4.exe). Both platforms apparently defaults to the low-performing integrated GPU at the moment. The default assignment should change in the future when both vendors update their drivers to recognize RE4’s executable. We’ll also reach out to AMD/NVIDIA so they’re aware of this issue.

SLI / Crossfire users
The game itself isn’t optimized for multi-GPU setups. Some may work, some may not as it hasn’t been tested with those configurations. If you’re seeing significant performance issues with the game despite having equal or better specs than recommended, you may want to experiment by disabling SLI/Crossfire as it may be causing compatibility issues.

Video Drivers (NEW)
This goes without saying, but it is highly recommended you update the video card drivers to the latest official release.

NVidia/GeForce driver:
AMD/Radeon drive:

Can we expect a patch?
Please continue posting any new issues you run into in the “Post your issues here” thread. The more detailed information we have about your system, the better chance the dev team will be able to isolate and reproduce the issue.

While we’re not responding to each query since it’s a data collection thread, rest assured we’re monitoring and compiling each report so the development team can take a look at.

We don’t have a specific release window on a patch at this time, but we’re definitely cooking one up for release. We’ll let you know once we have more information. Please stay tuned.

Last edited by WBacon; 22 Jan, 2015 @ 10:26am
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Showing 1-15 of 363 comments
Bruno 1 Mar, 2014 @ 12:59pm 
MaxxGold 1 Mar, 2014 @ 1:00pm 
Nice Post : )
It's working great for me so far.
Last edited by MaxxGold; 1 Mar, 2014 @ 1:01pm
leonid87 1 Mar, 2014 @ 1:21pm 
I would like to be able to disable mouse view -- better yet, disable either axis (x and y) individually and independently.

An FOV slider, please!

Last edited by leonid87; 1 Mar, 2014 @ 1:25pm
illgib 1 Mar, 2014 @ 1:25pm 
Originally posted by leonid87:
I would like to be able to disable mouse view -- better yet, disable either axis (x and y) individually and independently.

And FOV slider, please!
Two sliders for both, orizontal is fine, but vertical it's way too slow.
Dfactor 1 Mar, 2014 @ 1:28pm 
Originally posted by leonid87:
better yet, disable either axis (x and y) individually and independently.
Yeah. Sometimes I end up with camera facing upwards or downwards. Or when you get captured and you have to use your mouse to get free the camera after freeing is affected.
Thindler's Lisp 1 Mar, 2014 @ 1:38pm 
Still needs a patch imo. I don't think there's any way for me to do any of the fixes on this laptop (which I bought it primarily for) yet I can run every other game I've bought.
Rockamovya 1 Mar, 2014 @ 1:40pm 
Thanks. man
Marco91 1 Mar, 2014 @ 1:52pm 
A 5770 paired with a phemon IIX4 3.0ghz should not be a problem for running this gamecube game since I get 1080p 60fps on re6 with higher graphics. I regret buyin it, still a bad port since I have to play it at 30fps with some drops... (where is the 60fps as in the ad?)
Originally posted by TragicZombie:
Still needs a patch imo. I don't think there's any way for me to do any of the fixes on this laptop (which I bought it primarily for) yet I can run every other game I've bought.
Same for me ! I can run all of the games I have on steam -.-' but only RE4 Remake are in SlowMotion ._. ♥♥♥♥ !!!!! I don't think there's a way to fix this issue on laptops ! We need a patch ! )':
Last edited by dolar 6 reais fazuele; 1 Mar, 2014 @ 1:53pm
Thindler's Lisp 1 Mar, 2014 @ 2:26pm 
Originally posted by HawkZ:
Originally posted by TragicZombie:
Still needs a patch imo. I don't think there's any way for me to do any of the fixes on this laptop (which I bought it primarily for) yet I can run every other game I've bought.
Same for me ! I can run all of the games I have on steam -.-' but only RE4 Remake are in SlowMotion ._. ♥♥♥♥ !!!!! I don't think there's a way to fix this issue on laptops ! We need a patch ! )':
Well if they're cooking up a patch that's good news. At least they're looking at the posts and taking them seriously. I have faith they'll conjure something up. Many people are capable of running the game (minimum specs are for the faint of heart! But seriously, my laptop should't be able to run 90% of the games I have on here if I went by minimum specs) so I think that the fix will at least help us be able to run the game fine through most sections. I expect some FPS drops during boss fights and where there's a ton of enemies, but I have faith the patch will get us to play the game :)
Philhalo66 1 Mar, 2014 @ 4:06pm 
here's to hoping they add in the original control scheme from the PS2 for gamepads other than the xbox 360 controller.
Last edited by Philhalo66; 1 Mar, 2014 @ 4:06pm
HaydenK 1 Mar, 2014 @ 5:51pm 
Fantastic to see you providing official tips and working on a patch! Looking forward to see how it all turns out for everyone!
All my computer parts are above the recommended except for my Video Card. Would this screw up the video frame rate? The audio plays while the first cut-scene is really slow, almost 5 fps but slow-mo at the same time. I can't change the video options because everything is in Japanese but would my CPU/Video Settings be the problem?
Last edited by Equash the Dogcow; 1 Mar, 2014 @ 11:52pm
lucky cat 1 Mar, 2014 @ 9:22pm 
I don't understand why my computer can't play this game when it's raining and or the dust blowing everywhere, or that the audio doesn't always add up in cutscenes... If a game cube can play the game why can't my decent computer play it perfectly? I would like to know why it's slow-mo and why the audio is not synced is it a port problem? or is it that somehow my computer just can't play this classical gem up without dust and or rain slowing down the fps?
METAL 2 Mar, 2014 @ 12:13am 
im over the recommended specs and still have slow motion as soon i have it switched to 60. even with AA set to off. and the voice sync is still very late in cutscenes.
otherwsie the game runs great as long i keep it at 30 fps.

good to hear that a patch is being made but what about the mouse movement issues? is that being worked on as well?
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