Shantae: Half-Genie Hero

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero

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how do I look at the art in the art gallery outside of the game
I've been playing through half genie hero on my steam deck. I wanted to know if theres a way to look at all the art from the art gallery outside of the game? I want to get a better look at some of them that have small text that isn't visible in game. I also like one of the fan art drawings a lot and I also wanna get a better look at that one too. I'm pretty sure that all the art in the game is in a .pak file that I can't get into. if someone could help me either get into to the pak file or just tell me where I can find the art in the game online that would be great
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I would like to know this as well, I unlocked all the art, and planned to look at it after beating the game, but once you beat the game the world resets... (at least to my knowledge)
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