Half Sword Playtest

Half Sword Playtest

J0K3R6397 22 Dec, 2024 @ 2:53pm
Critical Fixes and Improvements
First off, I appreciate all the effort that’s gone into this game—it’s a unique and exciting experience! That said, there are some issues that need addressing:

Freecam Mode:
Freecam being in 'Orbit Mode' by default is pointless, as the camera can’t move unless toggled to 'Freecam Mode' with F. Defaulting to 'Freecam Mode' would make it more intuitive. Simply put, fix or remove Orbit mode completely.
Also, I've noticed that when you're dying, the camera mode movement speed is much faster than when you're taking a normal screenshot (while not fatally wounded)

Camera Collision Issues:
The camera collides with everything, which makes capturing close-up screenshots extremely difficult. Loosening or disabling these collisions in Freecam would solve this problem, as well as allow some very interesting photo ops (as if you placed a GoPro inside a severed head/skull cavity)

Severed Part Collisions:
Severed parts need proper collision. Corpses often land with severed heads hidden inside the chest cavity, which ruins potentially good screenshots. Adding collision to severed parts would fix this.

Kick Animation:
Willie’s ‘flamingo kick’ lacks fluidity. His knee joints need to move more naturally during kicks to make the animation look better.

Punch/Kick Impact Sound:
The current impact sounds are unnatural and resemble two pieces of wood colliding. If Willie is wooden, lean into that theme and rename him Pinocchio. Otherwise, replace the sounds with more realistic, visceral audio.

Voice Variability:
The character voices are inconsistent across scenarios. Pleading sounds high-pitched, insulting is low-pitched, and showing mercy has a neutral tone. These need to be unified for a better player experience.

Bring Back Internal Organs:
The head pops and gut details from the HS Demo were amazing. Adding internal organs back would enhance the game’s visuals and overall experience.

These fixes and adjustments would make the game significantly better. Keep up the great work, and I hope to see these improvements implemented soon.
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J0K3R6397 22 Dec, 2024 @ 2:55pm 
A few more things:
I can't wait for a menu system that isn't completely randomized: selectable gear, so I can actually see which weapons I'm holding before battle! (Polearms, etc are out of the camera's view, and we can't even rotate/zoom at the main menu!) I can't tell you how many times I've tried to get a certain polearm weapon, only to get the wrong one, and have to go back and try again... 20 30 40 times in a row before I randomly get the one I wanted, all because I can't see the blade end. (Maybe allow swinging of weapons while the mouse is over the preview pane so we can see what we have, at least?)

Currently, if you listen VERY VERY carefully, once bleeding starts in a match, you hear a super low volume looping bleeding sound (3 'drip' sounds looping), which NEVER STOPS until you begin a new match, EVEN if you go to the main menu! It's enough to make you want to mute the entire game, tbh.

PS: Fix the ground so Willie no longer trips over 'deceptively flat' areas. Dude is clumsier than a cow on rollerblades.
Last edited by J0K3R6397; 23 Dec, 2024 @ 10:38am
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Date Posted: 22 Dec, 2024 @ 2:53pm
Posts: 1