Take On Mars

Take On Mars

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I seem to be Stuck...
I must have hit some key combo or something. I'm out of my character, I can move around, go thru objects and buildings and in the upper left corner it says "Resource Distribution Map Controls". I can't seem to find the key press to re enter my Character! It doesn't matter what save game I use or what scenario I choose, I can't enter my Character... Can somebody help out this old Geezer?? :)
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I think you have to press V on your keyboard if I remember correctly. (If not V try C)
to change your point of view
Zuletzt bearbeitet von SmittenPie; 29. Jan. 2024 um 8:02
I tried both V and C and no change. It's like I'm outside of my body. I've started inside of some buildings and my Character's body is standing there and I'm not in it... Doesn't seem to matter what Scenario I try or what Save file I load, their all the same, like it's a Global setting or something.
Sorry I don't have my office set up and can't test it at the moment. But in another discussion, the developer mentioned that:

left alt + right alt + F = leave/enter character

Maybe that that works? All the best!!
Unfortunately, L alt, R alt make no difference. It still doesn't return me to my Character. It doesn't matter which mission I choose, or which save game I load, I'm still outside my Character. :(
Yeah it seems you are stuck in some free-fly or console/developer mode. Hopefully the developer or another community member has a solution.
F by itself usually toggles the out-of-body camera. Followed by space bar to go into editor mode.

M toggles the map.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von bladerunner97; 30. Jan. 2024 um 22:49
That didn't work either... :(
The only reference to a "Resource Distribution Map Controls" problem I can find, is in older threads back in 2014. Some sort of developer tool\window that Dram left active by accident in one of the releases. I assume he fixed that because I don't think I've seen it myself. Perhaps he will see this and leave some helpful information here.
In Steam, right click on Take On Mars and select 'Properties'.

In LAUNCH OPTIONS, make sure 'Ask when starting game' is selected.

Close the Properties window and play the game. You will be shown three options when you click Play. Select the top option to play normally.
I've had to play in Developer mode. When I try to play in Normal mode, the game Crashes. I've tried removing all mods and it still crashes.
Didn't you accidentally deselect a character in the scenarios if you're playing in the DEV mod? Have you tried something in the editor and saved a scenario without a character? :) Then every time you run the scenario, freefly mode and the resources menu will pop up. Reinstall the whole game. The base campaign and scenarios are played - WITHOUT MODS.
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Geschrieben am: 29. Jan. 2024 um 6:43
Beiträge: 11