Nuclear Throne
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Looking for an online co-op buddy for Nuclear Throne Together? Ask here!
For those of you not in the know, there's an unofficial mod that lets you play online with other people[]. If you're looking for someone to play with, post in this thread and leave your preferred method of contact and, preferably, the time (with timezone) when you usually play so that you don't end up adding someone who only plays when you sleep.

All future "looking for co op friends" threads will be merged with this one, so check back occasionally for fresh blood.

Other spam will be mercilessly removed and offenders potentially banned - I may not check every day, but I will check.
Ultima modifica da Darwin; 22 nov 2016, ore 13:33
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Visualizzazione di 1-15 commenti su 294
Would suggest putting NTT in the title to increase the chance of people actually seeing it before posting a thread asking for partners.
Messaggio originale di Professional Furcon Floofer(CC):
Would suggest putting NTT in the title to increase the chance of people actually seeing it before posting a thread asking for partners.

You're right though. Edited.
Sweet. Although I think people have gone to the method of randomly friending people who play NT and asking about it I'm glad this was made.
ищу партнёра для игры
I could use someone whose not great at the game but not terrible. EST, any time I'm on, steam.
yo, down to thrown :vlambeerPopo:
Looking for some fellow Throners as well
Looking for some mad shooter for crazy coop looping 2+ :D
Looking for someone who wants to play NTT and will also like to ERP while doing it.
I'd like to play some co-op. Not very good tho, lol. Anyways, Steam would be preferred and my time zone is Eastern Time Zone.
Looking for people to play, go ahead and friend me and we can play some nuclear throne.
Want someone to play with, I'll be willing to play p much anytime I'm online. my timezeon is EST
Looking for any western europe player to play with.
Add me (and probably comment on my profile) if you're interested.
us eastern player
just add
Ultima modifica da bugz; 23 gen 2017, ore 10:53
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