The Banner Saga

The Banner Saga

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Can't finish the fight against the big red guy.
Juno said to take down his armor. It's taken down and he's the last one standing so everyone took turns at bat. Rook got the final shot but the health bar remains at 1 and everything is frozen there. There is no more moves to make! I can't do anything. I repeated the fight twice and it's still the same thing. Is this fight glitched??
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10 yorumdan 1 ile 10 arası gösteriliyor
Are you in stage 1 or stage 2 of that battle? Because what you said about Juno sounds like stage 1 and what you said about Bellower's health sounds like a bug since that's impossible in stage 1.

If Bellower is regenerating 6/6 per turn, you need to fire the silver arrow. Also he cannot drop below 5 STR. (Maybe he can on Easy? but then you can fire the silver arrow almost instantly there...)

If you already fired the silver arrow. It's a bug, and I don't know why. I finished it recently on all 3 difficulties. Try reloading earlier saves if it persists. But which stage are you on? That's the confusing part.
En son David tarafından düzenlendi; 2 Ağu 2018 @ 22:06
Yes, you need to attack him with the "Silver Arrow" special (purple) ability with Rook or Alette (whoever has it). Please check and report back.
ok, I didn't fire the silver arrow. The game froze every time I get his hp down to 1. This is a gross oversight by the devs. Thanks for the help.
What difficulty is this? Bellower normally can't drop below 5-11 STR in the first stage because Indomitable gives him Protected 5 and he regens 6 at the start of his turn. I don't know about Easy maybe he has the weak form of his passive then, the one he has at Einartoft.

If you're playing on Normal+, how are you getting him down to 1 STR?

Fire the silver arrow around the time his ARM is the same as Rook/Alette's STR. You can ignore his STR completely, it'll regenerate anyway.

It's possible this is a new bug introduced after they made Bellower easier on Easy/Normal, or when they changed stuff about the Einartoft battle, which is why they didn't catch it earlier.

In fairness you're not to supposed to attack his STR at all. If you kill off enemies, when they are down to just 2 he regenerates at a ridiculous rate, so you're not supposed to do that either. I suppose in pillage mode you could outdamage his regen, but he'd still be gaining 6/6 a turn.

It sounds like an edge case to me. In normal+ you're unlikely to survive long in stage 1 if you're down to 2 enemies and not firing the arrow.

En son David tarafından düzenlendi; 5 Ağu 2018 @ 20:42
İlk olarak Obsidian Gryphon tarafından gönderildi:
ok, I didn't fire the silver arrow. The game froze every time I get his hp down to 1. This is a gross oversight by the devs. Thanks for the help.

Yes an issue that is only effecting you is a 'gross oversight by the devs' - get over yourself.
İlk olarak Dyer1981 tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak Obsidian Gryphon tarafından gönderildi:
ok, I didn't fire the silver arrow. The game froze every time I get his hp down to 1. This is a gross oversight by the devs. Thanks for the help.

Yes an issue that is only effecting you is a 'gross oversight by the devs' - get over yourself.

Several posts all over the internet about it, and it happened to me as maybe you should rethink your rude post? What was the point of that.

I would call it an oversight too...that wasn't even rude of him to say..just a fact that it was an oversight.
If only you could add Eirik, the mender, and Iver in stage one. It would be and easy slaughter. Even in stage two. Dreamers, can dream.
It is a gross oversite in the nothing should cause the game to freeze. 2+ years late r in the steam edition the bug had not been fixed. So I forgot to look for the special ability and just pounded him down to 3/1 on normal and then it froze.
I too have frozen the game at getting the Bellower to 1 HP on Normal difficulty, using strategies the game gave me :) Sundering impact helps. I will try with the arrow I didn't notice I had to click on after beating him again.
Same glitch happening for me. Almost like

İlk olarak Dyer1981 tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak Obsidian Gryphon tarafından gönderildi:
ok, I didn't fire the silver arrow. The game froze every time I get his hp down to 1. This is a gross oversight by the devs. Thanks for the help.

Yes an issue that is only effecting you is a 'gross oversight by the devs' - get over yourself.

Wow, you are so unpleasant. Anyway, it's still happening in 2024. :/
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