Sacred 2 Gold

Sacred 2 Gold

Is there a way to configure or mod this ?
To pick a secondary skill, you need 5 points in primary skill of same category.
I'd like to just pick a secondary skill without a primary one.
Any way to mod this to be able to do that ?
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Xalaron 22 Jan @ 8:35pm 
Navigate to where you have the game installed, for me its ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sacred 2 Gold\scripts\server. In the server folder find the balance.txt file. Open it. Press Ctrl+f to open a search feature and search "SkillGroupPoints" without the quotation marks. Edit the number down to 0. No idea if it will work but that is the line that dictates how many skillpoints you must invest to unlock 2ndary skill groups. Its 5 by default. I know it works at one, but have never tried 0.

Edit: There are mods for the game on Dark Matters website and on Nexusmods btw. If you google Sacred 2 Balance.txt you will find a dark matters forum post detailing all kinds of things you can edit to nearly fully customize your game.
Last edited by Xalaron; 22 Jan @ 8:38pm
Ragnaman 23 Jan @ 2:42am 
Thanks for reply and info. Yeah i was reading wiki and the forum but could not find that specific keyword. I'll post results.
Last edited by Ragnaman; 23 Jan @ 2:42am
Ragnaman 23 Jan @ 2:44am 
IT WORKS, setting SkillGroupPoints to 0 allows you to learn secondary skills right away.
Ragnaman 23 Jan @ 3:03am 
Is there a way to increase the camera zoom speed after you are done talking with NPCs ? It always takes like seconds just to be able to start moving after browsing merchant.
Ragnaman 23 Jan @ 4:22am 
Ok i fiddled with optionsCustom.txt and after enough testing i can conclude that min zoom in options must not be set lower than half. Otherwise it takes ungodly amount of time for camera to slowly zoom in and out from your char when you are talking with merchants.

Seems like this camera zoom is hardcoded in the game and configurable values are there just to configure min and max zooms, no way to increase speed of the zoom or disable it outright.
Last edited by Ragnaman; 23 Jan @ 4:23am
Roderick 23 Jan @ 4:26am 
Originally posted by Ragnaman:
Ok i fiddled with optionsCustom.txt and after enough testing i can conclude that min zoom in options must not be set lower than half. Otherwise it takes ungodly amount of time for camera to slowly zoom in and out from your char when you are talking with merchants.

Seems like this camera zoom is hardcoded in the game and configurable values are there just to configure min and max zooms, no way to increase speed of the zoom or disable it outright.
If you set the min zoom at the same value as the max zoom... it won't zoom in on vendors, and thus won't zoom out either. But of course, you won't be able to zoom anymore...
Ragnaman 26 Jan @ 5:37am 
its alright, the min/max zoom in optionsCustom.txt only controls the boundaries for the slider you set in game settings for camera zooms. You can set these low and high, the only thing then is to set the camera zoom limits ingame, so you can still have option to zoom in really close to check out your gear after sliding the zoom slider down in options, and then slide it back for regular play.
Last edited by Ragnaman; 26 Jan @ 5:38am
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