Super House of Dead Ninjas
Anyone still got the OST?
The in game way to get it doesnt seem to work anymore, the devs site download is gone and just leads to a purchasable domain, and all other OST downloads seem down since they only temporarily store them.
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Показані коментарі 14 із 4
Автор цієї теми позначив, що цей допис є відповіддю на питання у темі.
Thanks! Bumping this up for more visibility.
Цитата допису fakeloo:
if you still don't have it, the developers just posted a google drive link to it on twitter:
Thanks for this! :chelWink:
They could've paywalled it, but nope! Noble to the end. :SoniiSalute:
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Показані коментарі 14 із 4
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