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loonatic 2 Jun, 2021 @ 2:35pm
Why did Deadpool get removed off the Steam store, and why is a key for the game expensive?
I remember acquiring my copy several years ago, but I noticed recently that it doesn't exist as a store page. Was there any specific reason why the game was taken down?
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Showing 1-15 of 69 comments
theboomerpride 2 Jun, 2021 @ 6:15pm 
The licence expired I think, same reason a lot of games like this get removed unfortunately.
foofighter_ii 19 Jun, 2021 @ 2:22pm 
This happened to the Transformers and Spider Man games: licenses issues!
ShiftyMarmot 19 Jun, 2021 @ 7:18pm 
Activision lost the license, so they can’t sell it, among other licensed games they published, like Spider-Man and Transformers. Don’t expect them to renew the license anytime soon or ever tbh. They did relist it once, but that was due to the movie coming out, and it receiving a PS4 and Xbox One port.

But that’s why it was removed, licensing expiring, this happens with a lot of movie or tv show tie in games.
V1EWT1FUL 25 Nov, 2021 @ 7:55pm 
is there any way for someone to bring the game back to steam?
Spider-Pider-Man 25 Nov, 2021 @ 8:02pm 
Originally posted by V1EWT1FUL:
is there any way for someone to bring the game back to steam?
Activision could just renew the license, but that is unlikely considering they are doing so well with cod and they are just a bad publisher. I doubt Disney/Marvel would approach Activision either since it would just be easier to make a Deadpool game with another company.
Britt 22 Dec, 2021 @ 7:26pm 
tbh the game had some funny moments but it wasn't good or anything
Well there was a time where it was back for some days... and there i bought it.
But then it was away again
Gärbage 20 Aug, 2022 @ 12:09pm 
this sucks, they should be trying to get longer licenses so the games stop just disappearing from the store, I can't even find the store page anymore
They brought the game back when Deadpool 2 did the rounds at the cinema. If a third movie ever happens then make sure to check if it happens again.
Boboscus 22 Sep, 2022 @ 4:41am 
They brought the game back when Deadpool 2 did the rounds at the cinema. If a third movie ever happens then make sure to check if it happens again.

Third movie is coming, can we somehow make them renew the licence?
Destroyer 24 Sep, 2022 @ 8:16am 
Originally posted by Boboscus:
They brought the game back when Deadpool 2 did the rounds at the cinema. If a third movie ever happens then make sure to check if it happens again.

Third movie is coming, can we somehow make them renew the licence?
If Microsoft decides to renew the license, idk the acquisition of Activision is revoked or not.
Originally posted by Boboscus:
They brought the game back when Deadpool 2 did the rounds at the cinema. If a third movie ever happens then make sure to check if it happens again.

Third movie is coming, can we somehow make them renew the licence?
Yeah, Reynolds has confirmed that him and Hugh Jackman is gonna be in it. At this point it's probably just a question of money. Hell, they might do a remaster since the game is getting a bit long in the tooth. :chuchelsmile:
Captain Eierstock 28 Sep, 2022 @ 11:45am 
Originally posted by Boboscus:

Third movie is coming, can we somehow make them renew the licence?
Yeah, Reynolds has confirmed that him and Hugh Jackman is gonna be in it. At this point it's probably just a question of money. Hell, they might do a remaster since the game is getting a bit long in the tooth. :chuchelsmile:

I hope more for a remake and just not a remaster^^
mono_wolf 30 Sep, 2022 @ 6:47am 
Ask from Ryan Reynolds to create a DEADPOOL Trilogy and have him voice it :happy_yeti:
More Deadpool games would be cool but I don't really want them to tie into the movies. Having straigth up adaptions of them would be pretty boring. Better to keep Nolan North around as P-diddy.
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