Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams

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Dream Rush aka Giana Sisters Multiplayer
Here over the next 2 weeks we will be posting all the news about our multiplayer for Giana Sisters that you guys have been asking for, for a long time.

Any questions feel free to ask and they shall be answered if possible.

The multiplayer will be released the 8th of December 2014.

//BFG Zyddie
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115/59 megjegyzés mutatása
How would this work? Simultaneous co-op or taking turns whenever swapping dimensions?
Alyxx eredeti hozzászólása:
How would this work? Simultaneous co-op or taking turns whenever swapping dimensions?

This is simultaneous gameplay, so everyone has a Giana Sister to run around with and mess with at the same time you try to beat the other sisters.

//BFG Zyddie.
So it's a competitive mode?
Alyxx eredeti hozzászólása:
So it's a competitive mode?

Yes it is.

//BFG Zyddie.
Any plans to add a co-op campaign, possibly in a sequel?
Alyxx eredeti hozzászólása:
Any plans to add a co-op campaign, possibly in a sequel?

We cannot disclose that infomation at current time.

//BFG Zyddie.
I'd also love a retro style "multiplayer" mode, where Giana and Maria conquer the Dream World in alternating turns, just to give a nod to the classic game:


Local and via Steam Multiplayer would be great. :gs_happy:
I know this isnt related to Giana Sisters (which, BTW, looks amazing, I might get it), but when will Diesel Stormers receive an update?
Uh....what the heck is up with this topic?
Flarezerker eredeti hozzászólása:
I know this isnt related to Giana Sisters (which, BTW, looks amazing, I might get it), but when will Diesel Stormers receive an update?

Dieselstormers gets updates evey 2-4 weeks as stated on the early access page.

//BFG Zyddie
Melodia eredeti hozzászólása:
Uh....what the heck is up with this topic?

This is a topic where people can ask about the new Giana Sisters multiplayer that is beeing released here in the start of December.

//BFG Zyddie
No, when I posted that, all the text of every post was invisible -- even my own. I assume it was just a bug in Steam but one I've never seen before.
Melodia eredeti hozzászólása:
No, when I posted that, all the text of every post was invisible -- even my own. I assume it was just a bug in Steam but one I've never seen before.

Ah well I´m sorry to hear that, hope it is all sorted now.

//BFG Zyddie.
Racing your friends HYPE.:gs_stomped:
BFG Zyddie eredeti hozzászólása:
Flarezerker eredeti hozzászólása:
I know this isnt related to Giana Sisters (which, BTW, looks amazing, I might get it), but when will Diesel Stormers receive an update?

Dieselstormers gets updates evey 2-4 weeks as stated on the early access page.

//BFG Zyddie

Sorry to go off topic but can you make a note to check out the snapping/jerking camera that was put in with the last DieselStormers update? In single player when using a gamepad, since the Halloween update, whenever you change directions or look up or down which is constantly if your fighting, the camera jerks a few inches in that direction. It basically makes the game unplayable.. I was playing several times per day and had to stop, wondering if it was an intentional change or if its going to be fixed.... Its really bad and hurts your eyes.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: r¡sê ºƒ çhaös; 2014. nov. 24., 19:48
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115/59 megjegyzés mutatása
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