Giant Builds, or "How to spend your ambassadors
So, I've been using what has become my standard ambassador build of

Ocean G: SSDS
Forest G: FSFF
Rock G: DSDD
Swamp G: SDFD

F=Forest, etc.

This list is in order so ideally the first ambassador i would give my forest giant is a forest ambassador when it became available, then a swamp, then another forest, and finally its last forest. This ordering doesn't always work out perfectly for all the giants because ambassadors don't always come up in the perfect order no matter how well you plan, but it's something to shoot for.

In order to facilitate my build choice and the order I would like ambassadors to spawn in, i tend to build a world with 1 forest, 3 swamps and 2 deserts, and then after i pick up my first 6 ambassadors, i swap one of the swamps to a forest and then play the rest of the game with that biome configuration.

My first milestones are to get my Forest G his 1st 2 ambassadors (F&S) and my Rock G his DS.
Next milestone is to get the Swamp G his SDF. After that you're pretty set.

This build is focused on 2 hour eras, and generally at about the 50 minute mark is when i am picking up my 14th ambassador. I usually 'max out' my swamp and ocean giants last since getting my rock and forest giants maxed out is more important to me. I can usually max out my last two giants by about 1:15:00 ish.

I'm looking for a better way to build, or at least other viable alternatives because I'm working on getting the 60 minute challenges done and it is quite challenging for me with this build. Perhaps there is a better/more accelerated build style more suited to 60 minute challenges? That being said, I would really like to know what ambassador build order/milestones other people use.
Ultima modifica da Voyd™; 28 ago 2013, ore 11:22
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Ooh, this looks nice, thanks. I still don't even have a third of the things unlocked.
How many villages do you build and what type?
You would probably need 2 swamp, 1 forest and 2 dessert seing as he has a total of six swamp and dessert ambassadors while only having 4 forest ambassadors.
Messaggio originale di eXistenZ:
How many villages do you build and what type?
He goes over that in his explanation.

Anyway, I over-all agree with your build set-up, though I notice that since some giants are unable to get certain aspects, that it's not necessarily ideal. If you want to build an island-based village, for example (4 chunks of land for the village, then surrounded by ocean on both sides), the lack of the Exotic and Hunt aspects will stifle that village, as many high-level fish require Greater Exotic or Hunt aspect. In fact, I think that Tuna is the highest fish you could get with your set-up.

The only thing that seems fairly universal is the Ocean Giant. Since he requires 3 Ambassadors of the same type to Rank 3 any of his aspects, and with Growth and Crystal aspects being needed far less often than Herd, it's almost a no-brainer to go with 3 Swamps. From there it's just a question of whether you want to rank-up his buff/heal, or give him the AoE Aspect buff. The only other option with OG is that you can maybe go 2/2. That'll give him Rank 2 of two different aspects, but he won't be able to Sublime, and will need an aspect buff in order to drop a Greater. Honestly not sure how viable that would be.
Ultima modifica da Shiro; 7 ago 2013, ore 12:13
@Shiro You're correct that Tuna is as high as i get with my oceans, but I rarely if ever bother with island towns since I already have all my achievements and am now trying to get all the challenges done. Given that - do you have any recommendations that might help me get those challenges taken care of any easier?
Wow I never knew someone could make a build. I think your builds are pretty good. I havent even gotten 3rd level on anything for my giants. Thanks.
Just a small correction: you can get Whale with this build. You won't be able to get White Shark, Seabass or Anglefish (i never used Sharks and Anglerfishs anyway, and i just finished every unlock and Steam achievement).

Superior Mackerel + Predator = Superior Seabass
Superior Seabass + 2 Greater Herd = Great Tuna
Great Tuna + 2 Sublime Herd = Whale.

You get Sublime Herd, since it is 3 Swamp Ambassadors on the Ocean Giant.
And even with out the Whale, you can get a pretty powerfull sea with parrots fishs and Tuna alone.

Everything considered, i think it is a fairly good build. But for me it is more important to adapt your Giant Builds to the Unlocks / Achievement you want to get on that era. Getting the Island Town is way easier if you can get Seabass (since many of the projects get extra food from them) and Marlin, so your forest giant should have one or two desert embassadors.

About the 1 hour challenges, you have the overall ones (get 5k prosperity with any ambassador) and the biome specific ones (get 4k prosperity with at most 4 non-BIOME ambassadors).

Which one would you like to talk about?

@Glardian Fixed, thanks, i didnt notice i had said that. wierd.
Messaggio originale di Voydangel: you have any recommendations that might help me get those challenges taken care of any easier?

if you want to make the challenge easier you just need to realize that any build you made for 2 hour game will probably not work.
what i did for my challenges is that i spent ~15 minutes at start of the game reading the skills of giants and deciding where to put which non-biome ambasador and which combination of resources i will use.

for example the Swamp challenge is pretty easy. i start with ocean, make forest on one side and swamp on the other and plant blueberry in the forest. raise mountain next to the forest, put some mineral in the desert and raise another mountain on other side of desert. make more oceans on the swamp side till you reach the other mountain (which blocks wetlands so you will not lose your desert) and put swamps in between. AFTER the second village (1st forest, 2nd desert) was settled, start planting resources in the swamps. i like to plant tech plants on the 2nd from the ocean patch, but basically this doesnt matter. build it so you have THREE swamp towns. then continue farming ambasadors in these 5 towns till you get 2 from desert and 2 from forest and use ocean + mountain giants to kill those towns (ocean to lower mountains on edges and mountain to raise mountains on town locations so new towns will not rise on the forest you will get by making ocean next to desert) and make the area swamp. then lower mountains so towns can settle (2 swamp) to get to 5x swamp town.

this is what you will get:
Ocean: D S S
Forest: F S S
Rock: S D S
Swamp: S F S

order of ambasadors: forest on forest, desert on ocean, swamp on swamp, swamp on rock, swamp on forest. after this you will get random projects, so probably will get 1 more swamp ambasador for your ocean giant. then continue forest on swamp, desert on rock. at this stage kill towns and remake swamptowns.

with this build you can get nice prosperity by ignoring project bonuses and spamming White willow, phosphorus, white willow, phosphorus, white willow, phosphorus...
each phosphorus will get 2x bonus for plants NEXT to it and each willow 2x bonus for 2 other willow in RANGE. for oceans i like to put fish in this order:
parrotfish, clownfish, mackerel, mackerel, parrotfish, mackerel, mackerel, clownfish, parrotfish

desert is the same principle, but ambasador order is:
Ocean: S D D
Forest: F D D
Rock: D S D
Swamp: D F D

this run requires more combos to use, so use pause a lot :)
in desert i use Coyote, Date Palm, Goat, Onyx combo (coyote gets bonus for goat in RANGE, date palm 2x bonus for 2 animals in RANGE, goat boosts the date palm, onyx gets +natura from the date palm). but this is definitelly not the only one. i recommend to save when you get to 12 ambasadors and start rplacing all resources so they use symbiosis. these combos may not be so rich as in swamp or forest buids, but there are no oceans here, so you can get that prosperity back on patches where fish would not be so rich :)
on mountain... that depends on the situation try to experiment if you get time :)

Forest run:
Ocean: D F F
Forest: S F F
Rock: F D F
Swamp: F S F

use pear, pear, pear, pear, pear, pear :) for ground
and for oceans same as in swamp build.

as you can see i wrote only 3 ambasadors for each giant. in 1 hour challenge its kinda hard to get 14+, but its doable, so put them where you like if you get them

NOTE: these builds will probably NOT work with the 5k prosperity achievement, but once i got that one as well.
Forest and swamp builds use NO DANGEROUS ANIMALS, so be careful. in desert build use swamp giants F ability a lot to make sure wars between towns dont end up by town destruction. in forest build you will get the swamp giants F ability on level 1, so spam those armies even when next to resources, probably will not kill most of them.

THX ALL FOR READING and hope this will help.


for 5k P challenge use this...
start with 2x forest, 2x swamp, 2x desert towns.

Ambasador placement (in order i got them, your project timings may vary):
Ocean G: S D D S
Forest G: F F S
Rock G: D D S
Swamp G: D S F D

after you get 3 forest ambasadors and the 4th denies to join you kill one forest town and replace it with swamp.
if you manage to get the ambasador, good, kill the town after you get 4th forest ambasador and replace with swamp :D (the 4th forest ambasador goes to forest giant). from there you can do what you want.
no specified combos to use here, as your game can go different ways, so feel free to change anything, this is just what i like to do.
with this build you WILL get danger. i managed to get 6300 prosperity now, so you can do it too :) this run i used all three strategies listed above. pears, coyotes with goats datepalms, willow phosphorus, on mountains i used mostly dragonfruit and muskdeer, but one gold found its way too :)
just dont forget to use oceans F ability. you will have it on rank 3 so effect will be amazing and cooldown almost not existing :D

good luck, best wishes and again,
Ultima modifica da jozkokanec; 4 ago 2015, ore 0:18
Messaggio originale di jozkokanec:
for oceans i like to put fish in this order:
parrotfish, clownfish, mackerel, mackerel, parrotfish, mackerel, mackerel, clownfish, parrotfish

Looks like a very weird, sub-optimal arrangement...
- Why the Parrotfish in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by 4 Mackerels? That's a waste, its synergy is about _different_ species. Better to replace it with a central Mackerel to extend their range.
- 5 Mackerels are overkill, 3 is enough to maximize their range. Replace the leftmost and rightmost ones with something else, like a Clownfish, Seabass or even another Parrotfish.
- If you do that, might as well swap the Parrotfishes at the right and left borders with the Clownfish, so the Parrotfish "sees" 3 species instead of 2

A more sensible order could be:
Clown - Parrot/Clown - Seabass/Parrot - Mackerel - Mackerel - Mackerel - Seabass/Parrot Parrot/Clown - Clown

Adjust to your priority, either Gold (Parrot/Clown), Tech (Parrot) or Food (Seabass)
I think the main thing with the 60 min challenges is realize you will not be getting a full build on all giants. Most likely you'll get 3 on three giants and maybe one with 4 ambassadors.

Your goal should be to get those three up as quickly as you can, but once you get to that point, finish a level 4 project as quickly as possible to get whatever the best possible resource is, and then just spam it everywhere to build points, other level 4 projects be darned. For example to beat forest challenge at the end I had 4 forest ambassadors on forest giant and just started spamming orange and pear trees all over. Desert challenge dump a bunch of rubies and diamonds, swamp was oil all over. All of them I'd get to about 15 mins left and be around only 2k score, just starting a level 4 project. Finish that in a few minutes then spend like 10 mins literally boosting my score 1.5k points to win.
Reading this thread I realize how much I didnt understand the game xD
I am still struggling with reaching the Developments for then reaching 60 minutes play...

But until now I didnt even properly understand how this worked and just tried to give all giants all abilities xD

So more ambassadors of the same type boost the skill and with that I get greater and superior ressources?
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