Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

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New Location for Steam for Linux Bugs
Bug tracking for the Steam for Linux beta client has been moved to GitHub. The Steam for Linux beta now has a public repository and an issue tracking system for creating or browsing bugs related to Steam for Linux. You will need an existing GitHub account[] to create a new bug[].
For more information on creating a new bug, see, located in the public repository.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Frank; 19. Dez. 2012 um 17:32
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ThOR27 19. Dez. 2012 um 17:15 
Bugs that already has been reported here and was not fixed yet, should be reported there also or it's not necessary?

Frank 19. Dez. 2012 um 17:36 
It is not necessary but if you repost your bug in the steam-for-linux issue tracker, please add a comment to the original thread that the thread has been copied over. We want to prevent as much duplication as possible in the new issue tracker.
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