Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

[SQ]Noname 24 Apr, 2022 @ 6:23am
Micro-lagging / stuttering on GTX1050Ti with Nvidia drivers
So, I will try my luck here hoping I can get some pointers.

I have a GTX1050Ti that is four years old, and I just updated my system to Ubuntu Studio 20.04 with NVidia 470.103 driver. Previously used Ubuntu Studio 18.04 with an older driver, and everything basically worked fine. But since some games started to refuse to work at all (Surviving Mars) or switched their default renderer to Vulkan and became unplayable with both Vulkan and OpenGL subsequently (The Long Dark), I told myself I better update my system and drivers. It can only get better, right?

So now with the updated system and drivers I am basically facing the issue that when using Vulkan, I have micro-lags of about 1/4 of a second every few seconds in every game that uses it it seems (tested The Long Dark and Dirt 4). I have the same issue when using the NVidia 510 driver by the way. When I switch back to OpenGL in The Long Dark for example, I get other kinds of lags that make it unplayable as well.

So while some of this is certainly game-specific, I get the impression anyway that most games move to use Vulkan, which does not properly work on my card, although the card is fairly recent and using the latest proprietary drivers.

What can I do here? Are there any ways to tweak Vulkan or my drivers to make it run decently? Or am I just out of luck and need to get an AMD card?
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[SQ]Noname 24 Apr, 2022 @ 7:28am 

Tried 'vkcube' and it shows the same micro-lagging that I see in-game, so it seems it's not a game-specific issue...
[SQ]Noname 30 Apr, 2022 @ 8:58am 
So, it turns out that on Ubuntu Studio 20.04, which still uses xfce/xfwm, the desktop compositing interferes with the graphics performance. Turn it off, and games run smoothly, whether on Vulkan or OpenGL it seems. It's weird since I never had that problem on 18.04 which used the same window manager.

I'm not even sure it's an NVidia issue anymore, but there's no way to know which part of which driver doesn't work well together...
Ussul w+m1 20 Aug, 2022 @ 11:35pm 
yehhh I have that too -linux mint. It happens only sometimes in situations where is a lot of action.
I have no idea why on nvidia is so poor selection of drivers or graphic settings. Tried most of settings available and ended up with loss of frame-rate rathen then tearing.
Anyway my next g card is sure not going to be nvidia just bc of all tease issues.
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