Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Is there any way to protect hardware on Linux??
--- Something recently happened on Windows 10

& this happened without there ever being an Eathernet Cord...

Any ideas if this is preventable on Linux?? o_@

It's a strange Error... I've not encountered before...

The purpose of this, isn't that I have an issue that it exists,
i'm not bothered by that...

I'm just seeing if there is anybody who knows about this,
& might have an answer to how it can be fixed??
Viimeisin muokkaaja on 76561198264707224; 8.8. klo 0.33
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How do you expect anyone to give you an answer when we don't even know what the issue is?
No there isn't. Linux comes with no warranty, Microso$t has "staff" who work in testing centers for signed drivers (assuming they are paid well lol)). Use at your own risk, assume that people who make open source stuff do so for the benefit of others. It's your stuff, you can change it anytime, you are free to do so.

Some of the firmware on hardware devices has proprietary junk in it, if you try and alter or scan some of it, it may crash your system. You can replace it and wipe, maybe even write some of your own stuff and put it there, but it may overheat or burn up and start a fire. You still free to try.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on LeviathanWon; 8.8. klo 5.29
Sometimes when I run out of pasta or rice, I eat my eathernet cords.
76561198264707224 lähetti viestin:
Is there any way to protect hardware on Linux??
--- Something recently happened on Windows 10

& this happened without there ever being an Eathernet Cord...

Any ideas if this is preventable on Linux?? o_@

It's a strange Error... I've not encountered before...

The purpose of this, isn't that I have an issue that it exists,
i'm not bothered by that...

I'm just seeing if there is anybody who knows about this,
& might have an answer to how it can be fixed??
If the problem is you do not want error boxes itself, you'll get a lot more of that on linux unless you use sonething which does everything for you through graphical interface (like mint). Most other things will also have graphical interface (desktop environments) but few would require nkt needing it at all.

If the peoblem is not that (as you have said) but how to make sure it doesn't happen at all, it is impossible. Even on the most secure system, it is possible legitimate software could be hijacked to act maliciously, and the assumption here is it is not the most secure system.

Linux has firewalls you could use, you have the possibility of control (which would require gaining technical knowledge and understanding your system), you could use common safety practices when using software and, lastly, linux (ordinary use grade) while still being targeted by malware is not targeted as much… it is tarheted a lot less. Though I'm unsure if this applies to wine/its forks run applications.
Now a few questions, because no one so far has said it directly…

  1. Is it a windows question or a linux question?
  2. What happened recently on windows? Is it windows in general or your windows install?
  3. What is the exact problem faced (a lot of details would help but you haven't exactly given any).
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Ratconned; 9.8. klo 2.02
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