Grim Dawn

Grim Dawn

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shotgunharry 19 października o 9:56
Tired of gaming?
Topic isn't exclusively game related, so it's ok if mods close/delete it.
I post it here because GD is one of my most favourite/played games of all time
and it's like "the only" game forum where i didn't experience toxicity.

I was really looking forward to this weekend to finally have a nice gaming session.
Then i spent my Saturday afternoon staring at my steam library and watching youtube videos. I have like 20 games that i didn't even start. So much to game. Yet nothing, i didn't even play GD.

Anyone experienced this? What's wrong?
Ostatnio edytowany przez: shotgunharry; 19 października o 10:04
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 52 komentarzy
FlamingX21 19 października o 10:09 
It's a very popular feeling which u can see more and more.

Gaming needs pauses or breaks, can't play 1 game indefinitely even if it's the best ever without flaws 101% perfection.

And if we ignore that, games market has been very saturated to point where it's hard to tell which one is good or bad - so many release, shovelwhares and trash... definitely good ones like this too but as mentioned already... very hard to find nova days.

All I can tell you is there is nothing wrong, it's normal to feel sometimes like this imo.

Real life itself isn't always rainbows and good days too, right?
Neit 19 października o 10:33 
That's not exclusive thing to gaming. With any hobby, or activity, or a job, you can get burned out, or you might simply need a break. That's simply how brains work. There's nothing wrong with that, just find something else that you can do, I don't know, go out with friends, visit some place, do housework, or whatever.

Maybe it comes back, you will wake up one day really wanting to play something, or maybe even Grim Dawn, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe next month, maybe you realize you simply want to do something else with your time...

It's all perfectly normal and perfectly healthy. Don't worry about it.
gNuff!~©~gNom3™ 19 października o 11:43 
nvm the amount of games i own, lets just use the immediate, the ones i have installed; because surely i installed them for a reason right?
I wanted to play them, atleast enough to not just buy but also download at one point. Yet i haven't actually played most of them
Recently i've played DoS2, and i really really like(d) it, but i haven't continued it in a while, and have played other games after. And i've wanted to play, wanted to continue, but there's like 3½ reasons why i haven't.
First, it actually kinda accidentally wore me down. Not because it's bad, but it's huge. I spent 15hours playing, felt like i'd done a lot, quests etc, and by coincidence checking a name for a quest online i learned i had only cleared *first half of act1*. I thought i was farther in, not just because of the amount i felt i'd done but also because the "main" objective was to escape, and i did, but apparently that wasn't the entire part of that escape/main objective :claugh:
Then it's like ok, that means there's a lot more in store, that's not actually bad, but that means "more" than what i expected it would take. Which needs longer play sessions and more of them, more "remembering" etc. So today after dinner and i'm full, tired, brain not that spry, i just wouldn't even begin to think of including is as one of the potential ones, so that's off the list for today, and so another day of not playing that one has passed, so on.

Cool, what about one of the other dozen ones you've installed? well some of the same points will still apply those, tired, thus the game can't require too much from me, need something chill, relaxing. What about X, well i don't *know* that game because i haven't even fired it up, so i don't know if that fits in that category.
Okay so Y?/Fallout NV, that's pretty chill and braindead? - yea but i'm not really in the *mood* for that.
Well so now i have another criteria added/also need something i'm in the mood for. Etc etc each installed game i browse i find a new criteria to add to make it not fit the moment/"excuse to not play it here and now"

and so i ended up watching some episodes from the Blacklist and browsing forum instead.

I feel like it's sometimes the same with ex movies, "i feel like watching a movie tonight, which should we watch" - browses a couple, nothing really *truly* strikes the fancy or immediate "this moment" subconscious requirements, and ends up with something else.
I don't really think so much it's a matter of choice overload, but just not being able to fully realize "what" that thing it is one is looking for/truly after in that immediate moment, so for lack of better just ends up with something else.
And since gaming does require some form of engagement/slightly more involvement than movies, it's even easier to pick something else/sit back on the couch watch Blacklist instead of playtesting Grim Dawn
Atleast i think that's it for me many times, unsure if there is more at play or is different for others.
mikeydsc 19 października o 14:50 
I ended loading several clicker idler games that only take 10 to 15 mins to look at and then move onto something else. This way I am still messing with something vs messing with the same game all day. Gives my brain some time off of thinking in terms of long play sessions.

Heres a couple name drops to check out if interested

Unnamed space idle
Your Chronicle
Scream Collector (halloween themed)
Ostatnio edytowany przez: mikeydsc; 19 października o 14:52
Tsel13 19 października o 20:00 
If it is like me, in my case it is not gaming it is other activities, due to a loss or something close to that. That you did and shared with them. When they are gone. It just is no longer as fun as it used to be.
If that is the case for you, keep moving forward, and do other things you enjoy doing. 😊
Win2000Fan 19 października o 20:30 
A friend at work, several years ago, came to work one day and announced he was done with gaming and is not gaming anymore. As far as I know he still isn’t gaming. This was a very extreme case but it does happen. When I reach this point, like you have, I stop gaming and watch a favorite movie, or get on my computer and clean up files and look for security leaks or even read a book. I took a brake and painted my living room which makes me feel accomplished. If you do these positive type of things your desire to game will come back. If your desire to game never returns then there’s tons of other things to learn to do. Take up a hobby like we did in the twentieth century. It’s not a bad thing.
madrigal 20 października o 2:32 
For me it's a sure sign I need more physical activity, so I'll go outside to the park or window shopping or go look at the boats in the marina.
shotgunharry 20 października o 3:30 
Początkowo opublikowane przez gNuff!~©~gNom3™:
Well so now i have another criteria added/also need something i'm in the mood for. Etc etc each installed game i browse i find a new criteria to add to make it not fit the moment/"excuse to not play it here and now"

and so i ended up watching some episodes from the Blacklist and browsing forum instead.

exatcly this.

all you guys said it's true. it's kinda scary when something that was big part of your life isn't anymore.

i think it's also oversaturation. Not everything was better in the past, but games had more value. You had to buy a games magazine to read reviews, then go to a store and buy the game. you talked with the people that worked there and someone else would jump into the conversation. In the box there was a manual, maybe an art book or cards. You played through the game, talked about it with friends and had an overall experience. Then you waited for an add-on or the next big game that had to be played.

nowdays it's a huge mass of mediocre games. you buy games on every sale and pile them up and never play. they just don't have any value.

i still get goosbumps when i think about warcraft 3 frozen throne or battlefield 3.
Blake 20 października o 3:37 
Początkowo opublikowane przez shotgunharry:
Anyone experienced this? What's wrong?

It's ok, you're just waiting for Factorio V2 to release tomorrow. You just didn't know it.
shotgunharry 20 października o 5:25 
thank you guys for the feedback. i typed tired of gaming? in youtube. there is like a dozen videos about this topic with millions of views. could have google/youtube first before posting this here, but it was really very nice reading all your comments. :) i'm not alone! :D
Hosenbund 20 października o 5:42 
i also feel like that from time to time. sometimes i want to game for 10 hours straight for days without end. but then i rarely have phases where i dont feel like gaming at all for a whole week or two.

Just dont force it. if you dont want to play games then do something else. gaming is a hobby, not a job

What is also important is to always try out new games. playing old games you played for hundreds or thousands of hours already is the definition of boring.
doing the same old stuff over and over again cant be too exciting.
Make sure to expand your horizon.

Thats how you dont become bored of gaming eventually and simply quit it.

I know plenty of people which just played a handful of games they know since eternity until eventually nothing was fun for them anymore, so they quit gaming altogether.
Not saying its wrong to quit gaming, it can even be benefitial for your life, i am just saying that this mindset of clinging to old stuff and not accepting change eventually leads to boredom.

Also dont quit new games if you dont like them instantly, give them a few hours. it is like the 3 episode rule for shows.
Sometimes 1 episode just isnt enough.

Path of exile 2 is releasing nov 15 for example. It is gonna be a big banger for sure.
A factorio expansion is releasing tomorrow, if you never played factorio you could try that one out too, amazing game.
Monster hunter wilds will release in february, all of those are games which can be enjoyed for hundreds if not thousands of hours.
If you never played a moba before, then try out league of legends and Dota 2 and see which one you like more.
Learn new stuff, expand your horizon.

If all of that does not help and you still feel like this after some weeks or some months, then you truly became tired of gaming and maybe its just over for you.
Boris 20 października o 9:11 
Gaming without my S2 HD USB TV Modul is almost no option. It is like medicine. I do like the Dvbviewer ! "C" System - "D" Steam - "E" Tv Install.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Boris; 20 października o 9:26
Bludbonez 20 października o 17:12 
For me it is not that im tired. It was fitting the games I want to play on my SSD. Only 500 GB. Thankfully my new system came in today which is much larger. Finally can play XCom 2 with full mods alongside Battletech and Mechwarrior 5 Clans!! Not counting my ArPG Goodness!
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Bludbonez; 20 października o 17:16
Nakos 21 października o 2:11 
Perfectly normal.

Do something different. Go for a walk or a hike. Read a book. Cook a meal for someone you love. Clean out the garage. Visit a museum. Doesn't really matter what you do, just do something else for a while.

Początkowo opublikowane przez Herman Melville:
Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off—then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Nakos; 21 października o 2:13
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