Wall World

Wall World

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Buntkreuz 11 Feb, 2023 @ 6:05am
Liked the game overall, but controlls need a serious redesign
The fact you assigned several buttons to basically the same actions isnt a good idea.
Was it Q or R to enter the Spider, was it E or F to leave the mine?
One button to enter or leave the mine, one button to enter or leave the spider. Space to drag and drop, why include Q to drop something? Just have one button do this action.
Would suffice.
Why separate it anyway, it just overloads with button assignements for absolutely no reason and i have to constantly recheck what which button does.

Besides that, "Z" and "X" for switching weapons is one of the bad ideas in gaming that needs to disappear.
Realize that there are several different keyboard layouts and these buttons arent next to each other. Especially X, Y, Z are bad buttons to use for anything.
Find an alternative for that, like mousescrolling.

Apart from these problems, its mostly fine. Could possibly need a few more animations because the character looks odd, but thats finetuning.
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Showing 1-15 of 27 comments
Benediction 11 Feb, 2023 @ 6:01pm 
IIRC, It's Q to connect to the spider and E to disconnect from the spider.
It's F to display the upgrade UI whilst connected to the spider.

IMO, it felt intuitive after a couple of runs and I never once needed to check the keybindings or control settings.
Buntkreuz 11 Feb, 2023 @ 6:05pm 
Originally posted by Benediction:
IIRC, It's Q to connect to the spider and E to disconnect from the spider.
It's F to display the upgrade UI whilst connected to the spider.

IMO, it felt intuitive after a couple of runs and I never once needed to check the keybindings or control settings.
I know and i dont care honestly.
Why have the same action be bound to two keys?
It just messes it up for no gain. Get rid of it, end of story.
Not every misdesign has to be defended.
HealthDragon 13 Feb, 2023 @ 12:46am 
I came here to write the same things OP wrote.

If E is used to embark on the spider, E should also be used to disembark from it (or better yet, they shouldn't be mutually exclusive and the player should be given the option to rebind the keys this way).
Similarly, if pressing F brings up the upgrades menu, pressing F again should make it go away.

Speaking of the upgrades menu, at the moment in order to get to it you need to walk all the way back to the cockpit, press E to embark the ship, then press F to open it.
I can understand the logic behind wanting the character to be on the spider to get upgrades. But this is just pretty cumbersome if you're just dropping some resources (which are collected by simply passing next to the spider) and want to get a quick upgrade.
It would be much more streamlined if the player could just press F around the spider without embarking on it to show the menu.

Regarding the weapon swap controls, in the demo the most relevant keyboard controls the player has during a fight are '1' for shooting a homing missile and X/Z for swapping weapons (R, W, S, and Q are still available, but they're not very useful during fights). Thus, in the common layout the keys used the most in a fight are located at the top and bottom rows of the keyboard. This does not make much sense.
Last edited by HealthDragon; 13 Feb, 2023 @ 1:10am
@Innomen 18 Feb, 2023 @ 4:20am 
Seconded. Completed the demo, streamed it, like it. But too many buttons and too much call for them. Take lessons from VS and necro smith. Automate things. Make buttons more conditional. Just standing in the right spot should give me X controls.
Dave 5 Apr, 2023 @ 3:01pm 
While we're here, the gamepad controls are rough too.

Main two complaints so far:

1) When switching between sucking and drilling, don't make me fully release the control before switching. e.g. If I'm drilling with RT, press LT to start sucking, then release RT, nothing happens even though I'm holding LT. It needs to be released and pressed again. Fix this to make toggling between them smoother.

2) The 'abilities' need to be scrolled through. e.g. RB to Fire a rocket, down arrow to select dash, RB to dash, down arrow to use the other dash, RB to dash, rocket ready again, up up RB to rocket. It's annoying. Most of the buttons on the gamepad aren't used as far as I can tell so far, please map them to individual buttons. Even a radial menu on button hold would be better.
@Innomen 5 Apr, 2023 @ 6:30pm 
Yeah the controls are still a bit all over the place. But I bought the game anyway. Like 4$. /shrugs
lz_zl 5 Apr, 2023 @ 8:06pm 
i think they should have a section for suggestions
LordBlade 5 Apr, 2023 @ 8:11pm 
The way I see it, Q and E makes sense.
It's left and right.
Q, to the left, goes from the mine left into the Spider.
E, to the right, goes from the Spider into the mine.
esotericist 5 Apr, 2023 @ 9:15pm 
Originally posted by Dave:
While we're here, the gamepad controls are rough too.

Main two complaints so far:

1) When switching between sucking and drilling, don't make me fully release the control before switching. e.g. If I'm drilling with RT, press LT to start sucking, then release RT, nothing happens even though I'm holding LT. It needs to be released and pressed again. Fix this to make toggling between them smoother.

haven't picked up the game yet (still eyeing the reports on controls), but that sounds like they're making the common mistake of reading the triggers as a single axis, where one trigger is one half, the other trigger is the other half. the end result is that it is actually impossible to detect the two presses simultaneously. this is obviously problematic, but a lot of games seem to end up doing it anyway for baffling reasons.
Kurtino 5 Apr, 2023 @ 9:24pm 
I came to the forum to complain about the same thing. It's absolutely mind boggling that there's no consistency to the controls. E to enter, E to exit.

Large text labels at the bottom of the screen, E to disconnect from the spider, but R to "Exit" the mine? To me "disconnecting" from the wall makes more sense, just like "exiting" the vehicle, so my eyes quickly glance at the controls, see the associated word, and keeps making the same mistakes.

The sheer number of mistakes I'm making for an extremely basic control scheme (there are only like 4 things I can actually do) definitely indicates that it's been setup poorly.
vavdb 6 Apr, 2023 @ 12:26am 
And please just let us rebind the keys, not everyone wants or can use WASD
Monsieur blap 6 Apr, 2023 @ 4:12am 
I really enjoy the game, but would also like to see an option to rebind the keys, wasd does not work for me.
NekoiNemo 6 Apr, 2023 @ 8:28am 
Z/X for weapons and 2/3 for dashes are the reason i almost entirely avoid dashing or using alt weapons. They are so cumbersome to press that it's better to just use default gun and upgrade your speed enough to just dodge the tentacles by walking away.
This feels like they just mapped controller buttons to random keys
Ice 6 Apr, 2023 @ 8:30am 
Love the game, same gripe though.
50% of the times I leave the mine instead of disconnecting from the spider because I can't remember whether it was Q, E or R. At least join Q and E in the same binding, there's no reason as far as I can see for them to be different inputs.
Amber Jam  [developer] 6 Apr, 2023 @ 8:31am 
Originally posted by Monsieur blap:
I really enjoy the game, but would also like to see an option to rebind the keys, wasd does not work for me.

We are fixing that. This option will be available soon :)
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