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Oliarco 13 Mar, 2018 @ 4:38am
[MOD] Update 78 Rebalance Beta 0.9.0

☑U78 Enemy Health & Spawn Cap  

☑U78 Skill Trees (with many changes) ☒U78 Perck Decks

☒U78 Melee Weapons ☒U78 Trowables          

☑U78 Values for all the U78 Weapons (but not all the modifications)

☑U78 Assault Rifles Modifications
☑U78 Primary Shotguns Modifications
☑U78 Snipers Modifications
☒U78 LMGs Modifications
☒U78 Akimbo Pistols Modifications
☒U78 Primary Specials Modifications
☒U78 Pistols Modifications
☑U78 SMGs Modifications (except the jacket's piece)
☑U78 Secondary Shotguns Modifications
☒U78 Secondary Specials Modifications

☒=Still not Achieved

Note: This mod is client side, you can play in PUBS whitout the need to host yuor own server. The other players will play normally whit the vanilla health of the enemy but when they'll inflict damage the health of the yuor "modded health cops" will be decreased by percentage. fun for everyone in low words :)
Unfortunately if you play as client the spawn cap change won't works :(
(the police health will change anyway)


28/06/2020 U0.9.0
And here we are again with an update after a lot of time, a bit less than 2 years for the records.
I implemented the code of the mod "Less BS One Down" by Ellie for rebalance death sentence and seems like i fixed an issue that made the game crash when a cloaker charge a player. It is wrote in the changelog of 2 years ago so i guess it's no harm to believe it (even if i truly don't remember).
I basically just finished the work i left 2 years ago and made it compatible (at least i hope so) with the current game version.
I won't make false promises, i may continue this mod but also i may don't.
If someone want to use my code for another mod or continue my mod feel free to do so, just remember to credit the people i stolen from.
About credit me... Nah :)

P.S. I uploaded all my database of the U78 weapons, skills, armors, ecc. for eventually help you.

U78 Database link:

Download link: (Latest Version):


13/10/2018 U0.8.1
Hotfix: Fixed an issue that made all the New skills (included A.P. Mag Plus) brokens

Download link:


13/10/2018 U0.8.0
I changed all the values of the SMGs modifications whit U78 values except for the Jacket's Piece. The problem is that i don't own Hotline Miami 2 so when i took note of the values for rebalance the guns i couldn't for the Jacket Piece :(
I may downgrade the game again to U78 and download a DLC Unlocker for get the values and update the current gun but for now most values are setted to 0 making the gun basically unavailable, sorry :)
Besides i added for the A.P. Mag plus ACE skill the ability to shot through shield and thin walls for place in a better place the technician skills in general and the Assault Rifle / SMGs combinations.

Download link:


09/10/2018 U0.7
After exploring whit no luck the code for the spawn cap i casually found the Ark (and Maxine?) mod "Less Cops" that do exaclty that, and i stolen the code :)
Now the police spawn cap should be around 30 that's all lot better than before.

Steal and apply the code no needed much works for me so i also rebalanced all the sniper rifle modifications whit U78 values except for the sights (now the smaller ones give a bonus to concelament instead of a penality). And besides since i'm a compulsive "Steal-Code" i added a credits.txt file at the mod :)

For last i changed some skills and fixed some issues as well (read the changelog)

Download link:


06/10/2018 U0.6.2
I tried some games on death sentence loud and... well, the spawn rate/cap is completely a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t. If you want deal whit it the only way is an explosive weapon or something like that (i used regenerated grenades). It isn't funny at all :(
Except soon an update for revert the spawn rate/cap at U78 values, i still don't know how to do but i will!

Whit this update i fixed the sights and 45-degree sights zoom and found a way to rebalance the judge shotgun modificatons as promise :)

Download link:


03/10/2018 U0.6.1
Testing new builds for reach the new 72 damage breakpoint for kill guards on death sentence i discovered all the rebalanced silencers modifications make noise in stealth and fixed it.
I rebalanced the "hard boiled" skill too and setted 10 seconds duration for "overkill".
Besides i rebalanced all the modifications of the lebensauger :)

Download link:


01/10/2018 U0.6.0
I touched the arktomys's code "Pre-Difficulty Rebalance HP Values" i used for my mod and i made the health of the security guards scale whit difficulty.
Gecurity guards now has 30 HP on overkill and below, 51 HP on Mayhem and deathwish and 72 HP on Death Sentence. Be ready for bring powerfull guns if you want one-body-shot the guards in stealth on high difficulties :)

Besides i setted U78 values for all the U78 Secondary shotguns except the judge because it's giving me some problems.

Time to make some ALL shotguns build! :)

Download link:


29/09/2018 U0.5.3
last fix for today, if i find another i'll bundle it in a bigger update.
i setted wrongly the displayed cost of the ace skill "Combat Medic" at 4 instead of 3.

Download link:


29/09/2018 U0.5.2
Im getting tired of finding (and fixing) new issues every time i update the mod :(
The new problem fixed is in the changelog.

Download link:


29/09/2018 U0.5.1
I wrongely setted the Steakout's Drum Mag at +18 instead of +12. Here is fixed, sorry.

Download link:


29/09/2018 U0.5.0
Now i didn't fixed just another oversight :)
Instead i finished the shotgun job i started 6 months ago, besides i setted 0 ammo for all the weapons you shouldn't use because still unbalanced. Probably i'll balance them, making them available for you in the future but for now use them would just hurt you since most of the post-U78 update weapons are unbalanced for this rebalance.

I recovered and reuploaded the 0.0 version of the mod, the link was down before today. I have no idea why you would want download that version... but if you want now you can :)

Download link:


23/09/2018 U0.4.4.3
Fixed another oversight... I know, it's getting ridiculous :(

Download link:


23/09/2018 U0.4.4.2
Fixed another oversight

Download link:


23/09/2018 U0.4.4.1
Fixed an oversight (forgot a comma)

Download link:


23/09/2018 U0.4.4.0
little hotfix for add the 2 "new" perk decks.

Download link:


22/09/2018 U0.4.3
I stopped working on this mod when overkill released the akimbo version of a lot of guns and i felt myself overhelmed. But i don't have to mod all the guns, i can actually mod just the U78 weapons :)
Well, i fixed some skills and rebalanced others. Just 3 abilities are been changed.

If someone is willing to help me testing the mod and telling me where doesn't works don't hesitate

Download link:


20/04/2018 U0.4.2
Little fix for the projectiles weapons damage.

Download link:


16/04/2018 U0.4.1
I did a little mistake... here is fixed + a little surprise to make you forgive me :)

*cough cough* read the ChangeLog *cough cough*

Download link:


15/04/2018 U0.4.0
Here the update i promised you for the next week, a bit earlier :)
I setted U78 values for ALL the mods of the U78 Assault rifles, not average values, no funny business, just real U78 values.

Besides i setted new values for the contractor mods and the L5 mag, values about accuracy for 2 reasons:

1: Make the L5 Mag not just a reskin of the Expert Mag.

2: Give you more customization using the contractor mods, especially the contractor grip that now is an option for low concealment build.

I setted new values for the 45 degree sights too, i setted a little bonus accuracy and concealment penality (the concealment penality just for the Riktpunkt version). I feel the bonus too little for using them over the lasers gadgets but maybe will make them a little better.

I setted a bonus for the magnifier too, and a concleamnet penality, both are higher than the 45 degree counterpart.

Last i Setted U78 values for all the mods of the Kobus 90 so that you can try the mod whit a secondary full modded whit U78 values :)

As ever there is a Changelog that you may consulte, Have fun!

Download link:


06/04/2018 U0.3
Another important update, this is kinda good and i like playing whit it, anyway this isn't important :)

I rebalanced all the skills for be similar to update 78 however i modded some skills based on my prefferences. Try it and if you want give me a feedback, im still never got any feedback but i won't give up.

Download link:


26/03/2018 U0.2
Here an important update that requeired a lot of times, i setted all the values for the SMGs MODs so you'll can use "balanced" rifles and "balanced" SMGs at the same time. I also setted new values for the 10 Barrels EXT that share almost all the weapons based on the average of the values took form the U78. I hope you'll appreciate this new update and maybe share some feedback, as before there is a ChangeLog if you are interested and if you are A LOT INTERESTED i created a group for the mod :)

Group link (down):

Download link:


16/03/2018 U0.1
Here my first update, i setted all the unique mods of the assault rifles to U78 values. yeah!
so if you downloaded the old version give a try this new one, maybe will souprise you :)
(if you are interested i edited a ChangeLog that you can consulte)

Here the new link:


13/03/2018 U0.0
This mod change the health of the cops and the stats of the weapons for recreate an experience similar to update 78, for example the grenade launchers will deal 340 damage and you'll can mod the yuor assault rifle for reach 40 damage breakpoint.

I literally stolen the code from arktomys's mod "Pre-Difficulty Rebalance HP Values" so the credit for that part go to him.

If you don't know the arktomys's mod it change the HP value of cops to before U109. His mod is great but whit the current guns isn't funny since them aren't balanced for the mod. Here is where i try to do something, i downloaded an old version of the game (U78) and i took note for all the weapons value then i setted them in the mod.

The mod is far to consider complete, there are errors and currently the modifications rebalanced are just the nozzles of the gage pack and the Fire Breather + some car 4 modifications.

Here the download link if you are interested (Reuploaded):
Last edited by Oliarco; 4 Jul, 2020 @ 1:16am
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Showing 1-15 of 48 comments
Oliarco 15 Mar, 2018 @ 3:18pm 
-rebalanced all assault rifles from the U78 to U78 values
-rebalanced all SMGs from the U78 to U78 values
-rebalanced all LMGs from the U78 to U78 values
-rebalanced all snipers from the U78 to U78 values
-rebalanced all shotguns from the U78 to U78 values
-rebalanced all specials from the U78 to U78 values
-rebalanced all pistols from the U78 to U78 values (except akimbos)
-Setted a spread modifiers for simulate 5 accuracy (it doesn't work whit weapons that use damage modifiers such high DMG crossbows)
-Setted some test values for the following weapon mods: Fire Breather Nozzle (dmg+8 stb+12), Competitor's Compensator (dmg+5 acc+15 stb+12), Funnel of Fun Nozzle (dmg+10 acc-20), Tactical Compensator (dmg+3 acc+30 stb-12), Single Fire (acc+15 stb-4), Auto Fire (dmg+3 acc-10 stb+16)
-Rebalanced all the unique mods of the assault rifles from the U78 to U78 values

-Rebalanced 2 shotguns post-U78
magazine: 7 (untouched)
ammo: 38 (drastically increased since the breaker is the primary version of the judge U78)
rof: 80 (untouched)
dmg: 90 (decreased to the judge levels)
acc: 80 (the highest acc for a shotgun, it's a tradeoff :) )
stb: 12 (another tradeoff)
concealment: 20 (untouched)
threat: 28 (untouched)
ammo pickup: 0.52-1.3 (same ammo pickup as the mosconi/joceline U78, maybe a bit too high)

Magazine: 7 (untouched)
ammo: 21 (moderately decreased to the judge U78 levels)
rof: 104 (untouched)
dmg: 95 (decreased to the judge U78 levels since the GSPS will be a revision of the judge)
acc: 30 (decreased to the judge U78 levels)
stb: 40 (decreased a bit but a lot higher compared to the judge U78)
concealment: 22 (untouched)
threat: 28 (untouched)
ammo pickup: 0.45-1.15 (slightly higher than the judge U78)

-The threat of all weapons is wrongly setted to the max, i'll try find a solution
Last edited by Oliarco; 16 Mar, 2018 @ 3:42am
Oliarco 25 Mar, 2018 @ 6:11pm 
-Rebalanced all Akimbos from the U78 to U78 values
-Rebalanced all the unique mods of the SMGs from the U78 to U78 values
-Rebalanced all the unique mods of the Primary Shotguns from the U78 to U78 values

-Rebalanced some mods post-U78:
-JP36 -FOREGRIP -JP36 Long Foregrip [acc+10 stb+8 clm-3]
-JP36 -SIGHT -Original Sight [stb+8]
-IZHMA 12G -BARREL -Short Barrel [acc-10 stb-12 clm+4]
-IZHMA 12G -FOREGRIP -Hollow Handle [stb-12 clm+4]
-Breaker 12G -BARREL -Long Barrel [acc+10 stb+12 clm-3]
-Breaker 12G -BARREL -Short Barrel [acc-10 stb-12 clm+3]
-Breaker 12G -LOWER RECEIVER -Treated Body [acc+10 stb+12 clm-1]
-Breaker 12G -STOCK -Long Stock [stb+20 clm-2]
-Mark 10 -MAGAZINE -Speed Pull Magazine [reload-1.4 stb+4]
-Compact-5 -FOREGRIP -Enlightened Foregrip [acc+10 clm-4]
-Compact-5 -STOCK -Spartan Stock [stb+12]

-New values for the 10 barrels ext compatible whit almost all the rifles/lmgs/smgs:
-Medium Suppressor [dmg-8 stb+8 clm-2 trh-43]
-Low Profile Suppressor [dmg-13 trh-43]
-Stubby Compensator [dmg+3 stb+16 trh+6]
-The Tank Compensator [dmg+5 stb+12 clm-1 trh+8]
-Fire Breather Nozzle [dmg+8 stb+8 clm-2 trh+12]
-The Bigger The Better Suppressor [dmg-3 stb+16 clm-3 trh-43]
-Competitor's Compensator [dmg+5 acc+10 stb+16 clm-2 trh+6]
-Funnel of Fun Nozzle [dmg+10 acc-20 clm-2 thr+12]
-Tactical Compensator [dmg+3 acc+20 stb-8 clm-2]
-Ported Compensator [dmg+5 acc+10 stb-16 clm-1]

-New Values for the singlefire and autofire mods:
-Single-fire [acc+10 stb-16]
-Auto-fire [dmg+3 acc-10 stb+12]

All the new values for the 10 barrels ext and the singlefire/autofire mods are based on the average of all the values of the single U78 weapons.
I'm still not able to understand of to set the values for the single weapons but the my purpose is that! Just... i don't know how :(

-The threat of all weapons is wrongly setted to the max, i'll try find a solution
Oliarco 6 Apr, 2018 @ 2:13pm 
-Rebalanced shotguns barrels exts mods to U78 values
-The accuracy multipler for simulate 5 accuracy now wroks whit all the U78 weapons
-fixed the threat issue

-Removed the following default skills:
-ecm feedback
-trip mines sensor upgrade
-bags extra movement speed
-faster interaction whit bags
-melee harmless for civs
-faster when crouched
-primary weapon when bleedout
-steelsight when bleedout
-fall damage reduction
-95% less noise when killing someone
-faster when walk
-3 shaped charge by default

Modder Note:
i removed a lot of skills that was in skilltree in U78 and i plkaced them again there.

-Rebalanced all the skills for be similar to update 78 (i did some changes based on my preferences):

L mean left and R mean right

--BASE Increases your supply of cable ties by ##4##. You can cable tie hostages ##75%## faster.
--ACE You and your crew gain ##0.5## damage absorption for each hostage you have. This effect stacks with up to a maximum of ##8## hostages. Note: This skill does not stack with other players Forced Friendship skills.

--BASE Civilians remain intimidated ##50%## longer. Noise created by you intimidate civilians. Reduces the asset costs in the Job Overview menu by ##50%##.
--ACE Unlocks special Inside Help assets in the Job Overview menu.
--BASE Special enemies marked by you take 15% more damage.
--ACE Unlock the Spotter asset in the Job Overview menu. Increases the duration of marked enemies by ##100%## and you can now mark specials by aiming at them with any weapon. Increases the shouting range by ##2000%## when attempting to mark special units.

--BASE Nearby civilians have a chance of reviving you if you interact with them. Civilians reviving you have a chance of giving you ammunition.
--ACE Your hostages will not flee when they have been rescued by law enforcers. Whenever you get into custody, your hostages will trade themselves for your safe return. This effect can occur during assaults, but only ##1## time during a heist.
--BASE Increases your reload speed whit assault rifles and sniper rifles by ##25%##.
--ACE Yuor weapon accuracy while moving whit assault rifles and sniper rifles is increased by ##50%##.\nRun and reload - you can reload yuor weapons while sprinting.

--BASE Having at least one of your own hostage or converted law enforcer makes you regenerate ##1.5%## health every ##5## seconds.
--ACE Having at least one of your own hostage or converted law enforcer makes you regenerate ##4.5%## health every ##5## seconds.

--BASE You gain a ##50%## damage reduction for ##3## seconds both after and during reviving another player.
--ACE Reviving a crew member gives them 30% more health.

--BASE Crew members you revive take ##50%## less damage for ##3## seconds.
--ACE Crew members you revive are immune to damage for ##3## seconds.
--BASE Increases you accuracy whit pistols by ##10%## and increases the speed to pull and put away pistols by ##50%##.
--ACE Increases your rate of fire whit pistols by ##100%##.

--BASE You can place ##2## doctor bags instead of just one
--ACE Yuor doctor bags have ##2## more charges
--BASE You reload pistols ##50%## faster.
--ACE You deal ##15## additional damage whit pistols.

--BASE While in bleedout, you can revive yourself if you kill an enemy. You only have ##1## charge.
--ACE Your Messiah charge is replenished whenever you use a doctor bag.

--BASE Increases yuor stamina by ##25%##
--ACE Increases stamina for you and yuor crew by ##15%##

--BASE You and your crew's weapon stability with pistols is increased by ##25%##.
--ACE You and your crew's weapon stability with all weapons is increased by ##50%##.
--BASE You can convert a non-special enemy to fight on your side. This cannot be done during stealth and the enemy must have surrendered in order for you to convert them.\nYou can only convert one non-special enemy at a time.
--ACE The power and range of your intimidation is increased by ##50%##.

--BASE The converted enemy gains ##55%## more health and deals ##45%## more damage.\nThe time to convert an enemy is reduced by ##65%##.
--ACE You can now have ##2## converted enemies at the same time.
--BASE Having a converted enemy increases your movement speed by ##25%##.\nYour converted enemy takes ##40%## less damage.
--ACE Having a converted enemy increases your health by ##50%##.\nYour converted enemy takes an additional ##40%## less damage.

--BASE You revive crew members ##100%## faster. Shouting at your teammates will increase their movement speed by ##25%## and their reload speed by ##50%## for ##10## seconds.
--ACE There is a ##100%## chance that you can revive crew members at a distance of up to ##9## meters by shouting at them. This cannot occur more than once every ##20## seconds.

--BASE Your weapons are ##25%## more effective at threatening enemies.
--ACE Your weapons are ##50%## more effective at threatening enemies.

--BASE You can use your primary weapon in bleedout.
--ACE Your armor recovers ##15%## faster.
--BASE Your weapon stability with all shotguns is increased by ##25%##.
--ACE You deal ##35%## more damage with shotguns.

--BASE Increases your shotgun reload speed by ##50%##.
--ACE Increases your shotgun steel sight speed by ##125%##.\nYour accuracy bonus while aiming down sights with Shotguns is increased by ##40%##.\nYou gain a ##50%## increased effective range with Shotguns when aiming down sights.
--BASE Your rate of fire is increased by ##25%## while firing from the hip with single shot Shotguns.\nYou can now hip-fire with your Shotguns while sprinting.
--ACE Your rate of fire is further increased by ##25%## while firing from the hip with single shot Shotguns.\nShotguns with magazines have their magazine sizes increased by ##15## shells.

--BASE When you kill an enemy with a shotgun or the OVE9000 portable saw, you receive a ##75%## damage increase for ##5## seconds.
--ACE The damage bonus now applies to all weapons. Skill must still be activated using a Shotgun or the OVE9000 portable saw. Your weapon swap speed is increased by ##80%##. Note: Does not apply to melee damage, throwables, grenade launchers, or rocket launchers.

--BASE Ammo bags placed by you grant players the ability to shoot without depleting their ammunition for up to ##5## seconds after interacting with it. The more ammo players replenish, the longer the duration of the effect.\nYour ammo box pick up range is increased by ##50%##.
--ACE Increases the base duration of the effect by up to ##15## seconds.\nEvery ##6##th enemy you kill will drop an extra ammo box.

--BASE When three or more enemies are within 18 meters of you, you receive a ##15%## damage bonus that lasts for ##7## seconds.
--ACE When three or more enemies are within 18 meters of you, you also receive a ##15%## damage reduction that lasts for ##7## seconds.
--BASE Reduces the visual effect duration of flashbangs by ##25%##.
--ACE Further reduces the visual effect duration by ##50%##.

--BASE You can now place ##2## ammo bags instead of just one.
--ACE Each ammo bag contains additional ##200%## ammo.
--BASE Your total ammo capacity is increased by ##25%##.
--ACE Increases the amount of ammo you gain from ammo boxes by ##75%##. You also gain a ##5%## base chance to get a throwable from an ammo box. The base chance is increased by ##1%## for each ammo box you pick up that does not contain a throwable. When a throwable has been found, the chance is reset to its base value.\nNote: Does not stack with the perk deck skill "Walk-in Closet".

--BASE Unlocks the ability to wear the Improved Combined Tactical Vest.
--ACE Enables your weapons to have a chance to knock back Shield enemies when attacking them. Ranged weapons' knock back chance is increased the higher the total damage of the weapon is. Melee weapons' knock back chance is ##100%##./nRun and shoot - you can now shoot from the hip while sprinting.

--BASE You move ##50%## faster when carrying bags and for each ##10## armor points the bag movement penalty is reduced by ##1%##.
--ACE You can throw bags ##50%## further.

--BASE Your melee attacks against non-special enemies do ##50%## more damage.
--ACE Your melee attacks against special enemies do ##50%## more damage.
--BASE Reduces your camera shake by ##50%## when you are damaged by enemy fire.
--ACE Your bleedout health is now equal to your normal health ##230##.

--BASE The lower your health, the more damage you do. When your health is below ##25%##, you will do up to ##250%## more melee and saw damage.
--ACE When your health is below ##25%##, you will do up to ##100%## more damage with ranged weapons.
--BASE Unlocks the OVE9000 portable saw for you to use.
--ACE Increases your saw blade amount by ##1##.\nYou can now use the OVE9000 portable saw as a secondary weapon.

--BASE You replace your saw blades with carbon blades, increasing your saw efficiency by ##40%## and Reducing the wear down of the blades on enemies by ##50%##.
--ACE You can now saw through shield enemies with your OVE9000 portable saw. When killing an enemy with the saw, you have a ##50%## chance to cause nearby enemies in a ##10m## radius to panic. Panic will make enemies go into short bursts of uncontrollable fear.
Oliarco 6 Apr, 2018 @ 2:14pm 
UPDATE 0.3 (part 2)

--BASE Your snap to zoom is ##100%## faster with assault rifles and sniper rifles.
--ACE Your weapon zoom level is increased by ##25%## with assault rifles and sniper rifles.

--BASE You are ##20%## more accurate whit all single shot weapons.
--ACE Yuor weapons stability is increased whit al rifles by ##25%##.
--BASE Unlocks the sentry gun and the suppressed sentry gun for you to use.
--ACE Yuor sentry gains ##150%## more health.

--BASE Yuor sentry gun's accuracy is improved by ##100%##.
--ACE Yuor sentry gun's rotational speed in increased by ##150%##. Yuor sentry gun is loaded whit ##50%## extra ammo and the cost of deploying a sentry gun is reduced by ##10%##.
--BASE Yuor sentry gun receive a protective shield.
--ACE You can now toggle AP rounds on your sentry guns, lowering the rate of fire by ##75%##, but increasing the damage by ##250%## and allowing it to pierce through enemies and shields.

--BASE You can now carry ##1## extra sentry gun.
--ACE You can now carry an additional ##2## extra sentry guns.

--BASE Upgrades your trip mines with a sensor mode, highlighting enemies that walk past. During stealth, the trip mines will highlight guards and special enemies for your crew.\nIf stealth is not an option, the trip mines will highlight special enemies for you and your crew.\nSpecial enemies marked by your trip mines take ##15%## more damage.
--ACE The radius of trip mine explosions are increased by ##25%## and the deploy time is decreased by ##50%##.

--BASE Adds ##4## more trip mines to your inventory.
--ACE Adds ##7## more trip mines to your inventory.
--BASE The radius of trip mine explosions are increased by an additional ##25%##.
--ACE Your trip mines now spread fire around the area of detonation for ##10## seconds in a ##4## meter diameter.

--BASE You deploy and interact with all deployables ##100%## faster.
--ACE You can now equip a second deployable to bring with you. If your deployable is equipped as a secondary deployable, you can only bring half of what you would bring if it was equipped as a primary deployable.\nPress X to toggle between deployables.
--BASE Adds ##3## shaped charge to your inventory, used to breach certain safes and doors.
--ACE Adds ##3## more shaped charge to your inventory.

--BASE Your weapon magazine capacity is increased by ##15## rounds.\nIncreases your reload speed with LMG Weapons by ##25%##.
--ACE Your ranged weapons can now pierce through enemy body armor.\nNote: Does not apply to throwable weapons.

--BASE You take ##50%## less damage while interacting with things.
--ACE You can now use steel sight while in bleedout.

--BASE You fix the drill ##25%## faster and you also deploy trip mines 50% faster.
--ACE Gives your drill a ##30%## chance to autorestart when it breaks down. You also deploy the sentry gun ##50%## faster.
--BASE Your drilling efficiency is increased by ##15%##.
--ACE Further increases your drilling efficiency by ##15%##.

--BASE Your drill makes ##65%## less noise. Civilians and guards are less likely to hear your drill and sound the alarm.
--ACE Your drill is silent. Civilians and guards have to see the drill in order to sound the alarm.\nEnables the ability to reset a broken drill or saw with a melee attack. The ability has a ##50%## chance to fix the drill or saw. The ability can only be used once per time the drill or saw is broken. Note: Skill does not affect the OVE9000 saw.
--BASE When tased, the shock effect has a ##30%## chance every second to backfire on the Taser, knocking them back.
--ACE When tased, you are able to free yourself from the taser interacting with it within ##3## seconds of getting tased.\nWhile being tased, your bullets SHOULD shock enemies.

--BASE Improves your armor so you can absorb ##100%## more damage.
--ACE Damage taken is reduced by ##25%## for you and your crew.\nThe armor recovery rate of you and your crew is increased by ##25%##.

--BASE Adds ##30%## more value to loose items that you pick up.
--ACE Your chance of getting a higher quality item during a PAYDAY is increased by ##50%##.

--BASE You can pack and interact with loot bags ##25%## faster.
--ACE Further increases your pack and interaction speed with loot bags by ##50%##.
--BASE Your walk speed is increased by ##25%## and your crouch speed is increased by ##10%##.
--ACE Enemies make ##95%## less noise when shot or meleed to death.

--BASE You gain the ability to go into bleedout ##1## more time before going into custody.
--ACE When you go into bleedout, you have a ##35%## chance to get right back up.
--BASE Increases your lockpicking interaction speed by ##25%##.
--ACE You can now silently crack safes by hand.\nFurther increases your lockpicking interaction speed by ##25%##.

--BASE Interacting with a camera at close range will cause the camera to temporarily see a pre-recording for the next ##10## seconds so you can sneak past it. Your crew can only loop ##1## camera at a time.\nIncreases the interact range whit cameras by ##40%##.
--ACE Camera loop duration is increased by ##10## seconds.\nFurther increases the interact range whit cameras by ##40%##.

--BASE Your stamina starts regenerating ##25%## earlier and ##25%## faster. You also sprint ##25%## faster.
--ACE You have a ##25%## increased chance to dodge while sprinting.

--BASE Increases the time before you start getting detected by ##25%## while in casing mode. You can also mark enemies while in casing mode.
--ACE You are ##25%## less likely to be targeted when you are close to your crew members.
--BASE You are ##50%## more likely to knock down an enemy with a melee strike.
--ACE You take ##50%## less damage from all melee attacks because of training.

--BASE You can now place ##2## ECM jammers instead of just one.
--ACE The ECM feedback duration is increased by ##25%##.\nThe ECM jammer now delays the pager response time as long as the jammer is active.
--BASE Your ECM jammer duration is increased by ##25%##.
--ACE Your ECM jammer can now also be used to open certain doors.\nFurther increases your ECM jammer duration by ##25%##.

--BASE You can now interact with ECM jammers to cause a feedback loop. When interacted, the ECM jammer has a ##50%-100%## chance to incapacitate enemies within ##30## metres radius every ##0.5## seconds.\nECM feedback lasts ##15-20## seconds.
--ACE You will now instantly interact with a ECM jammer and the ECM feedback duration is increased by ##25%##.\nYour ECM jammer has a ##100%## chance every ##4## minutes to recharge itself.

--BASE Your fall damage is reduced by ##75%## and you only take armor damage from falling from non-fatal heights. Your custody time is reduced by ##50%##.
--ACE You gain ##1## concealment for each silenced weapon you equip and reduces the concealment penalty of silencers by ##2##.

--BASE You deal ##5%## more damage against special enemies. \nYou can now buy a body bag asset which contains ##3## body bags that can be shared with your crew.
--ACE ##1## additional body bag is added to your inventory.
--BASE Increases your reload speed of SMG weapons by ##35%##.
--ACE Increases your rate of fire with SMGs by ##20%##.

--BASE You deal ##15%## more damage with all silenced weapons.
--ACE You deal ##15%## more damage and have a ##20%## chance to pierce enemy armor with silenced weapons.
--BASE Your Weapon stability with silenced weapons is increased by ##50%##. Your snap to zoom is ##100%## faster with silenced weapons.
--ACE Your Weapon accuracy with silenced weapons is increased by ##50%##. You gain a ##20%## chance to pierce enemy armor with silence weapons.

--BASE You gain ##3%## extra movement speed for every ##3## points of detection risk under ##35##, up to ##30%##.
--ACE You gain ##3%## extra movement speed for every ##1## points of detection risk under ##35##, up to ##30%##.

--BASE Increases your climbing speed by ##100%##.\nYou gain a ##30%## dodge chance while zip-lining.
--ACE You gain the ability to sprint in any direction.

--BASE You gain ##10%## additional movement speed.
--ACE When your armor breaks the movement speed of you and your crew is increased by ##30%## for ##5## seconds.
--BASE Your weapon swap speed is increased by ##40%##.
--ACE Your weapon swap speed is increased by ##80%##.

--BASE Instead of getting downed instantly, you gain the ability to keep on fighting for ##3## seconds with a ##60%## movement penalty before going down.\nNote: Does not trigger on fall or fire damage.
--ACE Increases the duration of Swan Song by ##3## seconds. Ammunition won't be depleted while the effect is active.
--BASE Each successful pistol hit grants a ##20%## damage boost and ##20%## accuracy bonus for ##2## seconds, can stack ##4## times.\n Note: Hitting more enemies during the timer will not increase or refresh the duration.
--ACE Increases the stats boost duration to ##8##.

--BASE You regenerate ##20## armor for each successful headshot. This can not occur more than once every ##2## seconds.
--ACE You regenerate an additional ##30## armor for each successful headshot.

--BASE Increases the concealment of melee weapons by ##2##.
--ACE Increases the concealment of all ballistic vests by ##4##.

--BASE When you stand still for ##3.5## seconds in stealth, you start highlighting people around you within a ##10## meter radius.
--ACE You can pick up items while in casing mode.
--BASE You can now carry ##1## additional body bag.
--ACE During stealth, you know how to kill without leaving a trace, reducing your cleaning costs by ##75%##.

--BASE You unlock the ability to place the body bag case deployable.
--ACE You can now place ##2## body bag cases instead of just one.
--BASE You gain a ##3%## critical hit chance for every 3 points of concealment under ##35## up to ##30%##.
--ACE You gain ##3%## critical hit chance for every 1 point of concealment under ##35## up to ##30%##.

--BASE You gain a ##1%## dodge chance for every 3 points of detection risk under ##35## up to ##10%##.
--ACE You gain a ##1%## dodge chance for every 1 point of detection risk under ##35## up to ##10%##.

--BASE Your steadiness is increased by ##10##.
--ACE Increases the armor of all ballistic vests by ##20##.

--BASE You have a ##5%## better chance dodging enemy fire while crouching.
--ACE You have an additional ##10%## chance dodging enemy fire while crouching.
--BASE Decreases your First Aid Kit and Doctor Bag deploy time by ##50%##.
--ACE Crew members that use your First Aid Kits or Doctor Bags take ##10%## less damage for ##120## seconds.

--BASE Adds ##7## more First Aid Kits to your inventory.
--ACE ##3## First Aid Kits to your inventory. Your deployed First Aid Kits will be automatically used if a player is downed within a ##5## meter radius of the First Aid Kit. This cannot occur more than once every ##20## seconds.
--BASE When charging your melee weapon you will counterattack enemies that try to strike you, knocking them down. The knockdown does not deal any damage.
--ACE Every kill you get will increase your next melee attack damage by ##25%##, up to a maximum of ##300%##. This effect gets reset when you kill an enemy with a melee attack.\nYou gain the ability to counter attack cloakers and their kicks.

--BASE Remove the ##90%## Stability penality for akimbo weapons.
--ACE Your stability with Akimbo weapons is increased by ##50%## and the ammo capacity by ##50%##.

Credit for the Moving target skill and the shokproof got to the [ON HOLD]Rokk's Skill Overhaul_0.15's modder, anyway probably the shockprrof thig doesn't works, im pretty dumb :)
Jet 6 Apr, 2018 @ 2:51pm 
Woah, you working on a rebalance mod? I might try it one day.
UnluckySpade7 6 Apr, 2018 @ 5:08pm 
When will this be finished? also are you gong to add the old skill tree menu and the old units that were removed in the rebalance?
Oliarco 7 Apr, 2018 @ 6:17am 
Originally posted by D.J. Jetth1576:
Woah, you working on a rebalance mod? I might try it one day.

Yeah im doing, the original idea was to do it just for myself but since it require a lot of works i decided to share it in the forum, the changelogs need some extra time but i guess worth it.

Originally posted by Gamerdude0072:
When will this be finished? also are you gong to add the old skill tree menu and the old units that were removed in the rebalance?

Actually im pretty dumb in what im doing, so i don't think i will be able to restore the old menu system for the skills :)

The my next step will be rebalance the perk decks and some other unique mods and hopefully find out how set the stats value of a modification based on the weapon that use it
lumnyl 7 Apr, 2018 @ 2:19pm 
To change modification stats based on weapon you need to do this :
self.weapon_id.override.attachment_id = { stats = { x } }
For example, changing the War-Torn Stock's stats for the Krinkov is :
self.wpn_fps_smg_akmsu.override.wpn_fps_upg_m4_s_mk46 = { stats = { x } }

If you get a crash when starting the game, you need to add this line before the one above :
self.weapon_id.override = {}

If you don't know the id for a weapon, you can find it here with a bit of searching :
Oliarco 8 Apr, 2018 @ 10:13am 
Originally posted by LunaticLunarian:
To change modification stats based on weapon you need to do this :
self.weapon_id.override.attachment_id = { stats = { x } }
For example, changing the War-Torn Stock's stats for the Krinkov is :
self.wpn_fps_smg_akmsu.override.wpn_fps_upg_m4_s_mk46 = { stats = { x } }

If you get a crash when starting the game, you need to add this line before the one above :
self.weapon_id.override = {}

If you don't know the id for a weapon, you can find it here with a bit of searching :

I needed a bit of time to understand of do it but now i can set the modifications values based on weapon. Thanks a lot for the info, i will need anyway a lot of time for set every value but at least now im able to :)
Oliarco 10 Apr, 2018 @ 11:27pm 
I'm setting values in the my spare time since sunday but is taking more time than expected... If i work enough i will update the mod the next week whit all the Assault Rifle values of the U78.
Don't worry for the other weapons, i will set U78 values for them too but... Later :)

Oh and i did a mistake whit A.P. Mag Plus skill Ace that was supposed to give the player the ability to pierce armor but instead gave the player more range and duration for the fire trap. I fixed it but you'll see it in the next update.
Last edited by Oliarco; 10 Apr, 2018 @ 11:34pm
Oliarco 15 Apr, 2018 @ 2:13pm 
-Rebalanced ALL the Assault Rifle mods from U78 to U78 values, i didn't used the average system, i actually setted every value for every mod.
-Rebalanced every mod of the Kobus 90 SMG to U78 values, so i give you a secondary for try the mod while i set values for the other weapon mods :)
-Fixed The ace skill effect of "A.P. Mag Plus", now it works as intented.
-The user can now equip the 45 degree sight whit standard iron sight on some assault rifles (not all).

-New Value for the L5 Magazine and the contractor mods (stocks and grips):

-L5 Magazine
acc = +5
stb = U78 expert magazine stb - 1 or 0.5

-Contractor Grip
acc = U78 Rubber Grip acc - 1 or -0.5
stb = U78 Rubber Grip stb -1 or -0.5
clm = 1

-Contractor Stock
acc = 5
stb = U78 Wide Stock stb -1 or -0.5
clm = 1

Modder Note:
I know maybe can be a bit hard understand the new values but i setted them for avoid to set "close values", these new values give you a reason for use these mods.

-New values for the 45 degree sights and the Riktpunkt Magnifier:

45 degree red-dot sight
acc = +5
stb = U78 Military Laser Module stb
clm = -1

45 degree red-dot sight
acc = +5
stb = U78 Military Laser Module stb
clm = 0

Riktpunkt Magnifier Gadget
acc = +10
stb = U78 Military Laser Module stb
clm = -2

Modder Note:
I hope these new values give you actually a reason for use these mods, i personally still find laser gadgets more usefull but i can't set very high value on these mods just for make me happy :)

A big thanaks to LunaticLunarian that said me exactly how to do for set single values for the weapons mods :)
Oliarco 15 Apr, 2018 @ 11:54pm 
-Fixed an issue for which all the gadgets mods for no-assault rifle weapons gave no stats (stb and clm)
-Rebalanced the Custom Assault Frame mod for the kobus 90:

Custom Assault Frame
total ammo = +50
dmg = -13
acc = -10
stb = +20
clm = -6

tell me if you like how i rebalanced it, im not sure about it :)
Zdann 17 Apr, 2018 @ 3:14pm 
I took a brief glance at the mod, and it doesn't seem like you're changing the actual damage of the grenade launchers (or any projectile weapon).

The damage shown in weapontweakdata is purely visual, the real damage is in projectilestweakdata.lua.
Last edited by Zdann; 17 Apr, 2018 @ 3:16pm
Oliarco 18 Apr, 2018 @ 1:17am 
Originally posted by Zdann:
I took a brief glance at the mod, and it doesn't seem like you're changing the actual damage of the grenade launchers (or any projectile weapon).

The damage shown in weapontweakdata is purely visual, the real damage is in projectilestweakdata.lua.

I'll take a look, thanks for the info
lumnyl 18 Apr, 2018 @ 2:33am 
Originally posted by Zdann:
I took a brief glance at the mod, and it doesn't seem like you're changing the actual damage of the grenade launchers (or any projectile weapon).

The damage shown in weapontweakdata is purely visual, the real damage is in projectilestweakdata.lua.

It's actually in tweakdata.lua
< >
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Date Posted: 13 Mar, 2018 @ 4:38am
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