Survival Nation

Survival Nation

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WenklyStudio_Haski  [developer] 22 Nov, 2022 @ 7:06am
Features and suggestions
Hello survivors!

If you have any ideas for new content for the game or feel that any elements need improvement,
feel free to discuss them in this thread. We'll be looking here regularly! Who knows? Maybe your idea will make it into the game.

Thanks for the suggestions, and see you at the survival camp!
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Showing 1-15 of 82 comments
corn1sh_dawg 2 Feb, 2023 @ 10:46am 
can the game be played seated also the game looks awesome
Mrock004 2 Feb, 2023 @ 1:44pm 
I can't seem to confirm if this game has a day/night cycle, but if it doesn't I think it would add to the immersion factor. Maybe some missions can only be completed at night and there are different tiered flashlights and night vision goggles you can find or craft to make these missions easier for the player to complete.
Not A Moth 2 Feb, 2023 @ 2:59pm 
Originally posted by Mrock004:
I can't seem to confirm if this game has a day/night cycle, but if it doesn't I think it would add to the immersion factor. Maybe some missions can only be completed at night and there are different tiered flashlights and night vision goggles you can find or craft to make these missions easier for the player to complete.
Yea I feel like if there was a night time they make more zombie spawn during that time. Also if there was a way to make a tent to sleep in if you wanted to wait out the night.
Ansie 3 Feb, 2023 @ 2:36am 
Originally posted by Mrock004:
I can't seem to confirm if this game has a day/night cycle, but if it doesn't I think it would add to the immersion factor. Maybe some missions can only be completed at night and there are different tiered flashlights and night vision goggles you can find or craft to make these missions easier for the player to complete.

Originally posted by Not A Moth:
Originally posted by Mrock004:
I can't seem to confirm if this game has a day/night cycle, but if it doesn't I think it would add to the immersion factor. Maybe some missions can only be completed at night and there are different tiered flashlights and night vision goggles you can find or craft to make these missions easier for the player to complete.
Yea I feel like if there was a night time they make more zombie spawn during that time. Also if there was a way to make a tent to sleep in if you wanted to wait out the night.

It indeed does not have a day and night cycle for now and currently, there is only day in the game. Nevertheless, thank you both so much for suggesting that and sharing your thoughts on that matter! Our team is constantly monitoring every remark you direct, so thank you!
Droidicus 4 Feb, 2023 @ 1:02am 
Make the game pause if the for example the settings menu is open, for those wo need a little break to drink something or go to toilet. So the thirsty and hungry bar not got empty while you´re away from the vr headset.
Digital Dystopia 4 Feb, 2023 @ 12:35pm 
Please increase the sprinting speed.
-update- Maybe I'm crazy, but I think sprint/walk speed is increasing as I level. Now level 15 and am definitely moving faster.
Last edited by Digital Dystopia; 17 Feb, 2023 @ 3:53pm
DadVRpro 4 Feb, 2023 @ 1:12pm 
Please increase the walking speed. OMG its unbearable. Sprinting speed too.
Nyrkl 4 Feb, 2023 @ 1:33pm 
First, I like to say that I really love the game so far.

That said:
1. More interesting loot.
2. Base building (I know this can be hard to make, so I will not pin it)
3. More areas (other zones for the future)
4. More clothing options
5. Reputation system and other factions?
6. Day / night cycle.
7. Boarding houses and setting defenses for night zombie invasion.
8. sleeping?

Wishful thinking or future plans... One can dream, right? :bonecrusher:
Last edited by Nyrkl; 4 Feb, 2023 @ 2:18pm
rorschach 4 Feb, 2023 @ 1:41pm 
please increase player move speed drastically.
also a crouch/prone would be nice to reach items on the floor.
Rogerer92 4 Feb, 2023 @ 2:26pm 
1 - ajustable smooth rotation, its very slowly, i want fast smooth if possible
2 - faster sprint
3 - pausable game when solo
4 - more weapon variety
5 - dismemberment would be awesome
6 - is possibile to make ammo from weapons on your shortcut droppable?
7 - maybe give some bonus stats when character is above hunger and thirst mark
LagaGaming 4 Feb, 2023 @ 10:32pm 
1 - increase number of players per room
2 - Locate Damage; when different parts of the body gets damage, affects the creature somehow.. arms? less damage. Legs? Won't run... and so on.
3 - Form Parties ( share exp, share quests, etc )
4 - Friend List
Last edited by LagaGaming; 4 Feb, 2023 @ 10:32pm
Derp 5 Feb, 2023 @ 11:07am 
Movement speed is ridiculous. needs to be upped asap
edit: and smooth turning speed
Last edited by Derp; 5 Feb, 2023 @ 11:22am
KyrenCross 5 Feb, 2023 @ 5:08pm 
I quite like the game, but I think the combat needs to be more intense and scary at higher areas. Not reached the max level yet but hopefully there is a good endgame to keep players playing and more challenging.

My suggestions to make the game loads more fun:

1. - Actual holsters in your body for guns/items, 2 side arms on your side, 2 handed weapons on your back, left and right.

2. - Add Katana and Gore. Strong Weapons Explodes head on final blow and removes chunks on critical hits. Blow of Legs and zombie crawls, Katana can slice Limbs of on final blow.

3. - Farming and Cooking Stew. Plant seeds and harvest. Have a cooking station to chop, season and cook meals for additional bonus buff.

4. - Add attachments to weapons, scope, laser, flashlight.

5. - Weapon degredation. Weapons gets dirty and breaks down by adding the ability to block with them to avoid damage. You can still use weapon at lower durability but will not perform well. Plus ability to clean and maintain weapons.

6. - Add Pets. Pets that can follow you around that you can also feed, pet and customize outfit as well as backpack for additional storage. Cute dog, Cat, Panda, monkey, etc. Maybe they can fight once they grow bigger as they level up.

7. - Add Special Backpacks that adds additional storage. Get rare backpack parts as loot and craft the ultimate one.

8. - Add bigger bombastic monsters for endgame. Giant Zombie monster with clubs. Huge Flying Zombie monstrocity, Spitting zombies, Huge Blob of Dead Body Goop with freaky eye that closes and opens as weakpoint, etc.

9. - Add Procedural dungeon caves with multiple levels, whre crafting items and good loot are found on endgame.

10. - Prestige system where you can reset level to add substantial perma boost/ability and special icon. When you reach max level, you can reset level to gain an ability/permaboost, but skills stay.

11. - Add weapon proficiency level. Where weapons gets better to use the more you use a specific weapon. Unlock special weapon perks specific to a weapon as they level up.

12. - Player Housing. Each player spawns in a specific House plot when they spawn. They can decorate their house by collectible parts found in the world. Trophies, old tech, toy collectibles, paint, wallpaper, etc.
Ansie 6 Feb, 2023 @ 1:19am 
Hello guys!

I just want to thank all of you for sharing all these remarks with us. I assure you that all feedback and all ideas have been marked down and we regularly monitor that topic.

Since the game is brand new, we are still working on the game features and we listen to your voices. You are what makes the game work, so thanks to these remarks, we can improve and develop accordingly.

Thank you for every word you shared. We hope you stay with us a little longer, and if you want to stay fully updated on the game and the new options, join us on discord!
Last edited by Ansie; 6 Feb, 2023 @ 1:20am
Digital Dystopia 6 Feb, 2023 @ 1:28pm 
I also think the game could use a "jump" button. Could be useful for getting at those out of reach supplies on the highest shelf that you just can't reach because of the table that's right in front of you :P
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Showing 1-15 of 82 comments
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