So... achievements not working? (FIXED)
I've been playing for a while now and unlocked all shops, all deals, and sold the 5 vegetables in one transaction, but none of the achievements popped for me.

Anyone else having trouble with getting the achievements?


As of today, the achievements now work!
Dernière modification de alpacaspar; 13 oct. 2022 à 13h02
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same issue here
0xed 27 aout 2022 à 15h54 
Same here, on Intel Mac
Yup, got to the point where one or two should've popped before I noticed. On Windows, so i don't think it's an OS issue. Hopefully it gets patched soon.
why does every sokpop game have such bad achievement issues, heliopedias were completely broken as well
Still having achievement issues here as well
+1 I know these games don't usually get updates but this would be a really helpful fix :stella_sad:
Why bother to make Art for the Achievments if you dont fix them, please.
Sokpop games don't usually get many updates, but updates have happened to fix a single broken achievement before, so I reckon this will get fixed when they have the time to between games.
Achievements dont work for me either! Hope they fix it :(
Yuuuup, still a thing...
:( I hope they fix them
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