Over Jump Rally

Over Jump Rally

When will it be listed
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
overjumprally  [developer] 22 Mar @ 11:52am 
I'm focusing on a demo, for the rest of the game we'll see how a conversation with Sega goes and what kind of funding I can secure.
I suggest adding it to the Wishlist to increase the chances! Thanks!
OK,Wishing you success, you can also create your own racing game,Well done, we will support it
overjumprally  [developer] 30 Mar @ 10:19am 
When will the demo be launched?
overjumprally  [developer] 26 Apr @ 6:25pm 
When it's ready! Maybe I can put together something for the Steam Next Fest in June, we'll see!
Is the aplha version still available for anyone to try - have searched and searched but cant find a link?
overjumprally  [developer] 3 May @ 1:47pm 
Originally posted by mattsneaker:
Is the aplha version still available for anyone to try - have searched and searched but cant find a link?
No, the alpha version is embarrassing and I hope it has been deleted by everyone :P
You can join our Discord to test a beta version, but a newer one is coming out soon anyway, first internally then to the public.
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