Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Will Astros Playroom ever come to PC
(I’m Doomed…)

Will it? If it requires a Dualsense to play that is completely fine as it takes advantage of it in every way. it would be really cool to see it on PC
Ultima modifica da Creeper of Doom; 21 set, ore 20:53
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I dont think it will ever come to PC if having a dualsense is required. Very low percentage of PC players use dualsense and SONY knows that. If they fail to implement xinput then this game is out of the question.
That's like the ONE game they will never do this lol
The astrobot is like their mascot for their hardware kinda
If having a dualsense controller is all that's required to play this game, I don't see what the issue is. Sure, it'll force people who want to play it to get a new controller, maybe earlier than they expected, but they can then play other games with said controller. A small price to pay, in the long run.

At this point in the PS5's life cycle, it's too late to hoard any exclusives. They had their chance to build a solid lineup of worthwhile exclusives and add value to the console, and they failed, by making the majority of them available on PS4 and PC, thereby giving people no reason to buy their new overpriced console. Since I already own a PS4 and PC, why would I ever pay £470+ just to play Astro's Playroom and Rise of the Ronin? Looking at the wikipedia page of PS5-only games, it paints a bleak picture (funny how they still have Stellar Blade up there, when that too is coming to PC).

So they might as well just bite the bullet and start bringing the remainder of their exclusives to PC, at this point. If you own a Switch and a PC, then between the two, you'll have access to every worthwhile game moving forward. Switch (and its successor) for Nintendo's exclusives and some less-demanding games, and PC for literally everything else (plus mods to uncensor games that'd otherwise be screwed on consoles).
No, i don't think they will
I doubt they'd be willing to invest money in a port that is only relevant to a small subsection of the PC userbase. And unfortunately it also usually means bad PR because whenever you make a game that requires certain peripherals (unless it's mouse and keyboard only, most people usually forgive that) people get real angry at you

I mean even Valve decided to open up Aperture Desk Jobs to peripherals that aren't the Steam Deck, even though its literal purpose is to make people familiar with the Steam Deck inputs and it doesn't play well on gamepads that lack trackpads, gyro and grip buttons for obvious reason
Ultima modifica da Supermettbube; 1 mar, ore 11:03
Unfortunate it probably won't because like others said,, it's basically the mascot for Playstation 5 right now. And the game relies heavily on the Dual sense functionality. And while there are people who game on PC with a dual sense, it's not widely spread enough to be worthwhile. Which is ashamed. I got this game free with the PS5 when it first launched and I would definitely pay for a PC port.
All I can say is maybe.
may as well just wait a decade or so for a PS5 emulator to come out.
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