Need some help with a achievement
Hello, i need help to know how to complete the achievement "Northeast of Knothing
Become the Spittoon Master"
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Every town has a spittoon (they look slightly different from ordinary pots) that you can examine for items, and they can be identified by a question mark that appears when you get near them.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: bugfragged; 2023. márc. 30., 16:07
need only spittoon in town? or all in the map?
It should only be one spittoon per town. There's also a spittoon-like event in the mansion past the whirlpool, but I don't know if that counts.
If you, like me, went through the whole game without finding a single one of these initially, you have to do them in story order (i.e. in the order of the towns you are supposed to visit in the main game). The question marks won't appear otherwise
did all the pubs spittoons but did not get the achievement - all had question marks on them
They must be explored in order, check the guide for the keyword spittoon for all locations.
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