Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

How do I make animations look more alive and less obotic?
We're coming up on about a year of me using SFM, and while I've definitely made a lot of improvements in the posters category, my animations haven't really changed. I know that learning this buggy old program takes lots of time and if I'm going to try to mimic things from The Winglet, Fortress Films, etc. it's going to take way more than just a few days to see progress and I'm willing to put in the time and effort, I just need some advice. I've made I think roughly 10 animations (give or take, I haven't counted) and they're all super stiff and dead, what needs to be done to actually give them life?
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Don't try to mimic the big animators, some of them use mocap mixed with years of animation work outside of SFM - Learn your own animation style and stick with it imo

Best thing I'd recommend if you really want to do smooth animation is to try and learn stop-motion, then as you start getting better at it then maybe go back and smooth out keyframes to create fluid movement.
Last edited by STIM DECK SAMUEL; 30 Sep @ 5:13am
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