Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

FNAF Blacklist Filter
Can we get a blacklist filter in the SFM workshop to remove every single FNAF addon? Because I'm sick and tired of seeing a bunch of FNAF addons!
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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I would love this, steam adding that would make me bust a river
dont subscribe to them solved
Yeah, FNAF was real bad since people don't know how to make packs and add things that way instead of spam the damn workshop... right now the problematic thing is this Toilet garbage, just spamming the workshop of the same damn thing over and over, with slight variations or none at all, like every other item, so annoying to even have to look at them, just wish I could filter them out...
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Data postării: 16 mart. 2023 la 17:25
Postări: 4