Monster Girl Manager

Monster Girl Manager

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UI updates and suggestions for the DEVs
Enjoying the game so far. Fun to chill out with.

In the management screen playing as your armoured self, Id like to see a few quality of life additions to make the management side more fluid:

1 - An optional pop up screen on a keybind, that shows your girls and a break down of stats. This would make it easier to see which girls need which training when moving them between the trainers.
2 - Someway of selecting multiple girls to follow, as again this would streamline moving them around.
3 - An indicator in the 'Give' area that shows what a girl like or not after you talk to them and find out some general interests. I assume the more a girl like a certain gift, the more trust/like points they give for learning new skills?
4 - Maybe just another way to learn and customise skills and move them around? something like the customisation function from darkest dungeon. This will help and allow players to build a more robust team with skill combos.
5 - in the customisation window when you selecting clothes, have the girls faces in this same area so you can see what aspects like hairstyle and tops do to the portrait picture as you swap through the fashion.
6 - Something that tells you what the building upgrades do? i assume higher stats.

Things to build upon, nothing that necessarily needs a fix.
Thank you.
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Sennin Riki 2 May, 2023 @ 11:58am 
My apologies, i didn't realise there was a subsection for suggestions. If a mod has the power to move this thread i am happy to do so.
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