Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem

Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem

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PC always crashes
This game consistently crashes my PC. I can start the game, then a few minutes in, the PC just crashes. Is this a known issue? I'm running Windows 11.
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AG a écrit :
Is this a known issue?
I don't think so.
It crashes for me as well. After two or three minutes. (it used to work.)
Get more RAM
-nolauncher ^^you can type in Steam launch settings to fix crash bug
@Apocalypse Can you confirm that the "-nolauncher" trick works?
Fred-104 a écrit :
@Apocalypse Can you confirm that the "-nolauncher" trick works?

-nolauncher in steam settings of game before launch it
Same, recently when I launch the game it instantly crashed. I did everything and its still doing it.
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