Dead Space

Dead Space

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My take on which game has more "Soul"
I think it all depends on which version you played first. I played the dead space remake first and i loved it! but when i played the 2008 dead space it super clunky and underwhelming.

I think the first dead space, for its time, was awesome and revolutionary! no doubt about it. And i think people who played that version first will continue to think about like that into the future.

It's kinda like how some people who just started listening to the Beatles think their boring, well thats because the Beatles were quite creative in their music and started using techniques in their songs that EVERYONE uses today! but back then it was ground breaking.

I think technically speaking from a design stand point, the remake is objectively better. But there's over a decade of software and hardware advancement between the 2008 version and the remake.

So yeah, its all a matter of perspective and which one you played first.
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There is a lot they did worse in the Remake, imo
Moök. 20 Aug @ 11:35pm 
I did find that overall, compared between each-other, the remake is a much more enjoyable experience game-play wise. Although, the whole Chen thing and a few other set-piece changes did ruin some of the cool character moments from the original.
There are things that are objectively better in the original and some are objectively better in the remake. for example, graphics is better in the remake, but the voice acting for the supporting cast struggles to live up to the 2008 game. The remake is also going for a bit of different thing when it comes to the voiced protagonist. It gives Issac more character, but removes some of the isolation, immersion and tension the original had. At the end of the day, Op is right. It comes to preference and which game you played first.
C-zom 22 Aug @ 3:04pm 
I thought the voice acting for the Unitologists, audio journals, and supporting cast was infinitely better in 08. Mercer is kind of terrible now, his unique accent and chilling delivery are gone for a more mustache twirling vibe.

Daniels is better, Hammond is worse. Issac having agency and a say in things is overall cool but he's still a Space Marine under all that fake everyday Joe vibe.

What the remake does in spades is detail/clutter, lighting, and sound design. Considering it goes on sale for $15-$20 every other weekend it's a no brainer to play it if your PC can handle it, but the peak of the series is still Dead Space 2 -- even today, by a country mile.
Originally posted by C-zom:
I thought the voice acting for the Unitologists, audio journals, and supporting cast was infinitely better in 08. Mercer is kind of terrible now, his unique accent and chilling delivery are gone for a more mustache twirling vibe.

Daniels is better, Hammond is worse. Issac having agency and a say in things is overall cool but he's still a Space Marine under all that fake everyday Joe vibe.

What the remake does in spades is detail/clutter, lighting, and sound design. Considering it goes on sale for $15-$20 every other weekend it's a no brainer to play it if your PC can handle it, but the peak of the series is still Dead Space 2 -- even today, by a country mile.
Agreed, i much prefered the OG Voice actors.
Both games are must plays in my book.
the second one is the best imo, then the first and then this one, the third will always be last unless they make something somehow worse
DSR has much better combat balance and uses quality of life from later DS games like the kinesis system.+zero G is much better.
Clark has much faster melee attack speed.
Random event are a nice edition.
NG+ is very good.

It lacks the very hard difficulty.But has the 1 live hard difficulty from DS3.

OG has much better Necro sound design including many ambient noises that are absent from the remake.Like Slasher Charge is iconic.

OG Necros also have better AI some of them can block your melee attacks or go into vent to ambush you while you fight others.

Necros also seem to more likely to play dead mid combat after losing a leg then in remake.

DSR seems to use DS3 Necro approach.

Dump but has ton of HP and harder to stagger.But you also have more firepower.

Combat balance is not as good plasma cutter is enough for all game long.

OG is extremely well optimised but needs to be FPS capped to avoid many issues.

OG has the very hard difficulty but lacks the 1 live hard difficulty mode.
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