Pheasants not producing
I have three birds placed in a pen. They've eaten about 5 times each but so far only once has there been feathers/eggs produced. Is this an issue anyone else has seen? Or am I missing something obvious?
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Dragorin 26 Jan @ 7:40am 
I have 8 and yes they eat an insane amount of seeds and produce very little in the way of eggs and feathers. I mean I'm getting some but compared to sheep which I can shear twice between feedings if I'm paying attention. The birds output is a bit on the low side.
Sunfal 26 Jan @ 8:47am 
im having the same issue, now my animals have a red icon above their names that looks like 3 human icons. does anyone know what this means?
Abraxis 26 Jan @ 12:25pm 
Originally posted by Sunfal:
im having the same issue, now my animals have a red icon above their names that looks like 3 human icons. does anyone know what this means?
I think this means you have too many animals. Overpopulation.
Sunfal 26 Jan @ 2:35pm 
Originally posted by Abraxis:
Originally posted by Sunfal:
im having the same issue, now my animals have a red icon above their names that looks like 3 human icons. does anyone know what this means?
I think this means you have too many animals. Overpopulation.

i think your right... don't quote me yet need to do some research, but apparently you can only have 8 animals before overpopulation?

NOTE: you can only hold 9 animals. now my Pheasants are laying eggs again
Last edited by Sunfal; 26 Jan @ 2:40pm
Weaver 26 Jan @ 2:55pm 
Originally posted by Sunfal:
Originally posted by Abraxis:
I think this means you have too many animals. Overpopulation.

i think your right... don't quote me yet need to do some research, but apparently you can only have 8 animals before overpopulation?

NOTE: you can only hold 9 animals. now my Pheasants are laying eggs again

Population depends on the size of the Island you make your home. I have 13 animals currently and room for more.
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