The Quarry

The Quarry

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Zeokage 29 Jul, 2022 @ 3:14pm
Discussion Rules
Hey campers! Welcome to the Steam Discussions hub for The Quarry, and thanks for taking the time to look at this big pile of text. The 2K official forum rules below are intended to supplement the Rules and Guidelines For Steam: Discussions, Reviews, and User Generated Content to help create an inclusive, inviting community for newcomers and forum veterans alike. They’re also designed to make content easy to find so the community and developers can benefit from your input.

These rules should be pretty easy to follow, but if you happen to stray a bit, the 2K volunteer moderators on the forum use the Steam warning system, which means that you'll be alerted when you're doing something that isn't allowed. If you happen to rack up too many warnings—especially within a short span of time—we may be forced to ban your account temporarily or permanently. Finally, it's worth mentioning that we may add to or otherwise alter these rules from time to time as new issues arise; we'll try our best to announce when that happens.

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with a 2K volunteer moderator.

1. Be a Contributor
The 2K forums host civil discussions on a variety of topics, and we always want to keep the conversation welcoming, inclusive, and a positive experience. Please remember that others will be reading what you write without knowledge of your state of mind or sarcastic intent. Arguments are won by convincing the other side, not by scoring points with the crowd through personal attacks or trolling threads. Other obnoxious behavior, such as spam, also detracts from the quality of conversation. Please don't cause trouble for the sake of causing trouble, don't try to get around the rules and treat everyone - including individuals who post on these forums as well as those who do not - with respect at all times.

2. No Flaming or Trolling
It's really important to be respectful to all community members, the moderators and 2K staff. It's fine to debate and argue, but don't insult others, use name-calling, or troll other members to try to get your point across. Don't call people out, don't post obvious troll threads, and try your hardest not to start flame wars. Don't post about nationalism, religion or political topics, unless it's specifically referring to mechanics or game content within a 2K title. If you believe you’re being flamed by another member, report the post rather than fighting back. Basically, don't post anything that would lead to a huge argument on the forums and, again, treat everyone - including individuals who post on these forums as well as those who do not - with respect at all times. In addition, the Steam Community is not a place to name and shame others. One reason is that claims can be faked. Anyone could potentially create false information about another user and encourage report abuse based on that information. If you have the evidence and Steam ID, report them to 2K Support.

3. Inappropriate Content
Posts should be appropriate for readers aged 13 and up. Refrain from cursing and using other bad language when you post. Inappropriate posts—as determined by the 2K community team—and the threads that encourage them are not allowed. The censors are not there as your safety net against being caught using that language, they are simply there in case someone slips so it's not visible until it's removed. If you intentionally go around the word filter or URL's filter, the post may be modified, deleted or closed.

4. Use Descriptive Thread Titles
When posting a new thread, use a clear and descriptive title. Thread titles such as "Why is this??" or "Ummmm..." may be closed or renamed at the discretion of the mod team. If you are talking about something that is a spoiler, provide ample warning in the thread title but do not specifically mention the spoiler itself in the title.

5. Don't Spam
Try not to make threads about topics that have already been created or discussed. Duplicate topics are liable to be merged or deleted.

6. The Forums Are Not a Chat Room
In general, threads are meant cover a specific topic, so keep that in mind when creating them! Threads that are really unfocused and/or invite a lot of spammy posts will likely be closed. Try to avoid making replies that consist only of "This", "+1," "me too!" or similarly short messages such as smiley-only posts. It's certainly okay to express agreement or excitement over a subject or post, but try to contribute something new to a discussion when you post, particularly when quoting someone else!

7. Company Names and You
Don't insult or wish ill will on 2K, Supermassive Games, Firaxis, Irrational, Take-Two, or any other developers making 2K Games. Likewise, don't try to impersonate or wish ill will on any employee of these companies.

8. Don't Advertise or Solicit
Do not advertise on forum threads, posts, or in private messages. This includes advertising groups, websites, games, products, referral or affiliate links, including Amazon, GMG, etc. and also includes petitions and asking others to gift you a game or key.

9. Steer Clear of Moderation Talk
Don't discuss moderator activity that occurs on the forums. That includes (but is not limited to) bringing up your own or someone else's warnings and bans. If you are asked by a 2K staff member or moderator to stop doing something, please listen. If you disagree with a moderator's decision, do not post again to complain about it. This will only result in one other rules being broken. The best response is to reply to a warning or request a PM discussion to discuss it calmly. An angry PM will do no good. Think about what you really want out of the situation before doing anything.

10. Avoid Backseat Moderation
Even though it's extremely tempting at times, try your best not to engage in backseat moderation—reciting the rules to other members, calling something out as spam, trying to get a thread shut down, and so forth. If you see something that you think is a violation of the forum rules, report the post as your first resort.

11. Avoid Posting Spoilers
Don't post something that might be considered a spoiler, except in proper threads/forums. When you do, provide clear warning (preferably in the thread/post title), and wrap the spoiler-y bits in the spoiler tag.

12. Duplicate Accounts
Don't make multiple accounts. If you do, it's really likely that we'll ban your extra accounts. If you've created one/some to circumvent a ban—even a temporary one—your primary and extra account(s) may be permanently banned.

13. No Piracy
Piracy of music, games, and other media will not be tolerated here. This includes ROM's, Emulation, game cracks, copying content from other games, bypassing DRM, etc. Do not admit, advocate, or discuss any form of piracy of anything, at all. Period. Notable exception: We will allow threads about the swashbuckling sort of piratical behavior (smart alec).

14. Don't Post Rumours, Unofficial or Leaked Info
Even if something seems legitimate, it should not be posted until it's made official by 2K. Any piece of "information" that has not been posted by 2K is considered to be unofficial on these forums and should not be linked or discussed. Basically, if it's not from 2K's official channels (website, social media or these forums), it's not official and shouldn't be posted. This includes patch notes from non-2K sites.

15. Use Caution When Bumping a Thread
Bumping old threads because you have something to say that will bring something new to the topic is all right. However, a thread that has not been touched in two weeks is generally considered "dead". Don't bump your own thread without a very good reason. Inappropriately resurrected threads will likely be locked by the mod team.

16. Posting Images/Videos
• An image/video should not make up your entire post, unless the theme of the thread indicates otherwise. If it doesn't further the discussion, it's not appropriate.
• As always, be respectful to your fellow members. Related to not posting image memes/macros, using an image to target or mock another forum poster will result in warnings and bans.

17. Don't post about game modding
As game modification is not officially supported, our moderators have to assume that none of them are "okay". Keep in mind that they break the EULA where you agree not to, and not to provide guidance or instruction to, modify the Software, in whole or in part. This will include launcher discussions.