Eden's Ritter 1:2 - Priestess of Pleasure
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Eden's Ritter 1:2 - Priestess of Pleasure

Jura Lith 2. jan. 2023 kl. 8.46
is this a direct sequel aka edens ritter2? or is this like a expansion? im confused with the 1:2
Opprinnelig skrevet av DIEGO58718:
I discover this page and say that is a Side Story but the have a Sequel but i think still not in Steam

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wufei88 22. feb. 2023 kl. 17.36 
I'm confused too, and I also would like to know what the game eden's ritter grenze x is. Is it a whole different game than what's on steam? A much more up to date game? What?

Also would like to know if all these games are just images without any movement in them or so.

Forfatteren av denne tråden markerte dette innlegget som svar på det opprinnelige emnet.
DIEGO58718 15. feb. 2024 kl. 21.39 
I discover this page and say that is a Side Story but the have a Sequel but i think still not in Steam

Jura Lith 16. feb. 2024 kl. 2.38 
Opprinnelig skrevet av DIEGO58718:
I discover this page and say that is a Side Story but the have a Sequel but i think still not in Steam

Ty for the info
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