Livestream: Escape from Hotel Izanami

Livestream: Escape from Hotel Izanami

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How did you guys get past the god awful controls?
Even at the menu before starting the game the WASD buttons with the X to select was completely unnecessary when i was setting up my game Settings. Did this game company have total aversion to point and click to mouse?

Once i started the game the VA audio was so low i couldnt hear it over the music or any sound effects that would occur, during the 10 dregging of the introduction of the characters it would not allow me to bring up the menu at any time to change to sound settings. I had to sit there and speed click through the intro till i was finally "allowed" to open up the menu.

At that point i was just so annoyed at these god awful controls i just straight up quit the game.

Using WASD to move your character around sure, whatever.. but then having to switch to directional pad to aim your phone, OR slide your mouse up to aim upwards just made it such a sloppy mess. The WASD and point and click is all that would have been needed instead of the sloppy mess of controls i got instead. Also not being able to bring up menu settings anytime you need was a huge fail.
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VDZ 24 Jul @ 6:15am 
Haven't played the PC version, but this game was originally made for Switch. Like many Japanese games, it's intended to play with a controller and Keyboard+mouse support was probably an afterthought.
Yeah, I didn’t noticed that it was Xbox controller compatible till after the fact. But if you don’t have a controller and just using keyboard and mouse, it’s just awful. I played both coma and coma 2 series, along with detention. The WASD controls and point and click would have totally worked better than what was presented.

Even controlling you flashlight with mouse instead of the directional buttons would have sufficed. This was just a completely lazy port to PC of this was a console game as you said.
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