Cozy Grove

Cozy Grove

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About not feeding an animal
Does the food an animal want ever resets or changes to something else?

I have a bird that's been consistently asking for a bibimbap for 3 days now. Since I'm constantly running out of roasted mushrooms / tofu, this dish (and farmer salad 2) are too costly (40/30 roasted mushrooms each respectively) and I usually give those only to cats for the chance of getting a recipe.

But now I'm starting to wonder if that will lock one of the 5 birds I can farm from daily...

Maybe I should keep it in a storage overnight and maybe replace it with another bird? Or will its desired food eventually change?
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They ask the same food 2 or 3 days, after they request other foods, but sometimes they want a same dish over and over.
jftr, it took me more than 2-3 days for the food to change, more like 4-5.

Also, I've tried keeping the animals in storage overnight, and when I put them back back they still wanted the same food.
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