Disc Space

Disc Space

Possible Suggestions Thread
I found this game through a Reddit post on /r/ultimate and I'm loving how simple yet fun it is. However, I do have a few little suggestions that could make the game more fun going forward.
Such as...
  • More skill-based passing: Currently the passes always follow the target no matter what, I think the game could be more interesting if you had to aim and adjust the power of passes
  • More maps: Having a few more maps could add some more variety to the game to keep the player base coming back to play
  • Different types of throws: At the moment, there are only backhands and sometimes hammers, I think it could be really cool to allow players to use other throws on command (flicks, scoobers, thumbers, chicken wings, etc.)
  • Improved settings: Right now the settings are quite sparse, I would like to change my resolution and window mode at the very least

To the dev, this game is absolutely awesome and I love the idea of an arcade ultimate frisbee game. Please keep up your great efforts, don't let this game die like so many others have.
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Blue 15. Nov. 2020 um 12:17 
100% on the passing. It should have some "speed vs distance vs angle vs height" virtue to it. It should be possible to throw away the disc if the handler and cutter don't understand one another. But great fun for an arcade ultimate game.
In addition to having some control with the type of pass, marking the disc does not feel entirely faithful to real ultimate. Since a lot of the rules are automatically enforced, I would imagine one or both of (a) a little bit larger of an enforced distance between thrower and mark or (b) the ability to step out on a throw would make the experience as a thrower a lot more realistic. The amount of rubberbanding/lag is also sub-optimal, but I have to imagine that those are not by the developer's choice. I'm in complete agreement with OP, this game is phenomenal and deserves a boatload of attention, funding, etc.
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