World of Tanks

World of Tanks

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I can't play this anymore
I have played this game for many years now and I know i'm not a great player but lately, this is trash. I can't even last 2 minutes in a match anymore. This game has become VERY frustrating to play. I used to have fun. I would rather play against bots but I can't even do that anymore. I really wish there was a way to only play bots. I'm not good to play against people who are spending real $$$ to play. I'm not good against people who play thousands of hours. This only started happening a month or so ago. Up until then, I would have a few matches here and there with other players but mostly with bots and I swear my stress was NEVER this high. I KNOW I'm not good at this game but I used to have fun playing... even against BOTS but i can't even do that now.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
it would be pretty good training mode, or to try steam link out. different difficulties would be welcome too.
Noquid 8 Jan @ 5:39am 
Did they change something with bots? For me, tiers 1-3 were 100% bots for this Steam account, after that it was pretty much real players. Bots are good at the low tiers because bots don't use apcr rounds and they give you a chance to learn the mechanics of the game. By the time you're tier III you should at the very least understand the mechanics of the game. Bots rarely if ever defend their own base, which means you have to stay close enough to your own base. They also tend to get stuck in forward/backward loops and end up doing nothing.
9 year player here.

I played both the PC and Console versions of this game. Console has PvE at the cost of 50% reduction in earnings per match, but for some reason they elected to omit this feature from PC.
I would absolutely love some perma PvE mode, something like Armored Warfare, maybe even simpler - just training bots but uptiered. Shouldnt be that hard or costly for WG to implement (they already had some temporary PvE modes if im correct, so fundamental work is already done). World of Warships shown that there is indeed dedicated (and paying...) playerbase for this kind of content! Please take a note WG :)
Rudolffi 20 Jan @ 9:34am 
Bots are ok, but they are predictable. They stay in the tank until the end of the world and rarely take over the base. They are also aggressive, so you can lose to them
Fat Atom 20 Jan @ 1:27pm 
Originally posted by jasonstod:
I have played this game for many years now and I know i'm not a great player but lately, this is trash. I can't even last 2 minutes in a match anymore. This game has become VERY frustrating to play. I used to have fun. I would rather play against bots but I can't even do that anymore. I really wish there was a way to only play bots. I'm not good to play against people who are spending real $$$ to play. I'm not good against people who play thousands of hours. This only started happening a month or so ago. Up until then, I would have a few matches here and there with other players but mostly with bots and I swear my stress was NEVER this high. I KNOW I'm not good at this game but I used to have fun playing... even against BOTS but i can't even do that now.

Same here .. even when I get premium i cant be bothered to play ..

It's become total dog sh*t .. This game will end soon ..
_Pele333 20 Jan @ 5:44pm 
Hi, it's a pity that you have such a situation. After reading your post, I understand that you are very active in battle and therefore become an object of enemy fire concentration. Try changing the type of equipment for a while. For example, it can be anti-tank vehicles or arta. You just need to rethink your activity on the battlefield a bit. It will take time, but hopefully not for very long. The game has a strategic focus. This game is not about holding down the "W" key and using the left mouse button. I'm sorry to write this way, but I'm really trying to help and support you. Try to take your time and change the style of the game and you will start to get better. Good luck in the battles.
Last edited by _Pele333; 20 Jan @ 5:44pm
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