lesteiner 2020년 10월 9일 오전 5시 01분
Getting past airship guards?
In the morning when you have to take the airship, I can't get past the two guards. I'm guessing I have to get to the ladder to the right. I've tried throwing many many distraction bombs, but the guards seem to be able to see me no matter where I go, even after I've thrown the bombs. And the reload time after each failure is so painful, I'm about to give up. Help?
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GuraShop  [개발자] 2020년 10월 9일 오전 5시 58분 
Hi lesteiner,
No worries. You can reach the ladder through the passage formed by the crates of the right while the guards are distracted with a distraction bomb on the left.
You can see it on this video around the 37:00 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMHu7jFhvr0
GuraShop 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2020년 10월 9일 오전 5시 58분
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