Days Gone

Days Gone

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When to engage hordes
New to this great game. I'm just following the quests as they are given to me. But on the way to a quest I sometimes encounter a horde, and they scare the ♥♥♥♥ out of me.

I'm level 2 and feel that I'm way too weak and inexperienced to deal with a horde. So I avoid them as fast as I can and steer my bike quickly away from them. Yesterday I accidentally stumbled upon the Horse Lake Nero horde and decided to take them on. I ended up running back and forth to a ladder from some watch tower, so they couldn't get me. Almost out of bullits, materials and melee weapons and dying a few times I finally was able to defeat the freakers one by one. But oh boy, how difficult was that!

So I'm wondering. Did I encounter this horde too soon? When (which level) is the best time to take on a horde?
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Mostrando 1-15 de 24 comentarios
Maviba 18 AGO a las 20:04 
Hordes are mid to late game content.
There are different hordes of different sizes and strengths. So try your luck.

But at lv 2 you better should avoid them, since youve simply not enough good gear yet.

Follow the quests and side quests. You'll get new wespons and receipts that way.
I wouldn't start hunting hordes before you get your first horde mission by the storyline.
Última edición por Maviba; 18 AGO a las 20:05
Paulo2400 19 AGO a las 3:50 
Publicado originalmente por Maviba:
Hordes are mid to late game content.
There are different hordes of different sizes and strengths. So try your luck.

But at lv 2 you better should avoid them, since youve simply not enough good gear yet.

Follow the quests and side quests. You'll get new wespons and receipts that way.
I wouldn't start hunting hordes before you get your first horde mission by the storyline.
Very clear. Thanks for your reply!
harken23 19 AGO a las 8:04 
Run from hordes while you can. You won't have a snowball's chance until much later in the game.
JayXL 19 AGO a las 17:35 
Hah followed your timeline and approach almost exactly... my first horde was the same one, and I used that water tower for safety. I teased some out, ran back to the ladder, and shot as many as I could before climbing to safety. Wash, rinse, repeat. Got them all after a while.

It was definitely too early to take a horde on and they scared the hell out of me too. But I figured with the water tower nearby I could give it a go. I tried it on the NERO building roof first, but quickly found out they can easily climb up there lol.

I passed the game recently and hordes became fun to take down. Much easier with better weapons and evolved tactics. That horde is only 50 freakers. Just wait... some of the later ones are 300+ :winter2019surprisedsnowman:
Paulo2400 19 AGO a las 18:50 
Publicado originalmente por JayXL:
Much easier with better weapons and evolved tactics.
Better weapons I understand. But what do you mean with evolved tactics?

Damn, Just encountered a horde again in a cave and got totally iced. LOL. Oh boy, this game really scares me. Nice though, not many games do. :steamhappy:
JayXL 19 AGO a las 21:16 
Publicado originalmente por Paulo2400:
Publicado originalmente por JayXL:
Much easier with better weapons and evolved tactics.
Better weapons I understand. But what do you mean with evolved tactics?

Damn, Just encountered a horde again in a cave and got totally iced. LOL. Oh boy, this game really scares me. Nice though, not many games do. :steamhappy:

Well, I just mean instead of blindly stabbing at them, instead to strategize a bit before engaging. Like, is there a safe spot nearby to engage them from? There often is. Also, once you can make cool things like attractors and napalm, you can draw them to a spot and take out large numbers at a time. Or, you can do drive-bys on your bike while shooting them and drawing them out, get off and take out a bunch of them, jump back on etc. There's a lot of cool ways to engage them and take them out. Enjoy!
you wanna tackle Hordes later on with firearms that have great stopping power. like the MG55 or even the MG45, Combat Shotgun for crowd control of smaller groups, Auto Shotgun and Liberator... those 2 shotties literally put the hurt on any enemy.

the higher the stopping power the more they fall to the ground, stagger or slightly stunned.
Paulo2400 20 AGO a las 19:48 
Publicado originalmente por JayXL:
Publicado originalmente por Paulo2400:
Better weapons I understand. But what do you mean with evolved tactics?

Damn, Just encountered a horde again in a cave and got totally iced. LOL. Oh boy, this game really scares me. Nice though, not many games do. :steamhappy:

Well, I just mean instead of blindly stabbing at them, instead to strategize a bit before engaging. Like, is there a safe spot nearby to engage them from? There often is. Also, once you can make cool things like attractors and napalm, you can draw them to a spot and take out large numbers at a time. Or, you can do drive-bys on your bike while shooting them and drawing them out, get off and take out a bunch of them, jump back on etc. There's a lot of cool ways to engage them and take them out. Enjoy!

Hehe, great advice! I'm already starting to think more strategically about engaging single freaks or small groups. It's great that a game does this. I'm a big Fallout and Witcher fan. And to be honest, I never got scared in these games. But Days Gone seems to take it up one notch. That's really great!

Publicado originalmente por Old-Boy BEbop:
you wanna tackle Hordes later on with firearms that have great stopping power. like the MG55 or even the MG45, Combat Shotgun for crowd control of smaller groups, Auto Shotgun and Liberator... those 2 shotties literally put the hurt on any enemy.

Thanks for your advice! I'll keep away from hordes now and just follow the quests. MG45 or MG55 aren't within reach for me right now.
NickelToe 21 AGO a las 9:28 
The Horde at the saw mill should be dead last but its story related. Funnest horde in game but it requires planning. Sadly the hordes do not reset if you die. You can go kill 10 zombies, die, come back, 10 more and so on.

One of the few minor gripes on such a great, profitable and underrated game.
JukeboxXxer 22 AGO a las 9:34 
I dont wanna spoiler you.
Just play the story, the game will introduce every new mechanic through story progression
Dryspace 22 AGO a las 15:46 
Publicado originalmente por Paulo2400:
...I ended up running back and forth to a ladder from some watch tower, so they couldn't get me...

Man! This was disappointing to read! It revealed that this is just a game, that can be cheesed like any other game.

I hadn't played new AAA games for a few years, and I was hoping that gameplay might have advanced somewhat.
Paulo2400 22 AGO a las 17:28 
Publicado originalmente por Dryspace:
Publicado originalmente por Paulo2400:
...I ended up running back and forth to a ladder from some watch tower, so they couldn't get me...

Man! This was disappointing to read! It revealed that this is just a game, that can be cheesed like any other game.

I hadn't played new AAA games for a few years, and I was hoping that gameplay might have advanced somewhat.
Don't worry. Other hordes can't be defeated this easy. I've encountered a few (early game), and they killed me every time. :)
Última edición por Paulo2400; 22 AGO a las 17:28
Dryspace 24 AGO a las 9:22 
Publicado originalmente por Paulo2400:
Don't worry. Other hordes can't be defeated this easy. I've encountered a few (early game), and they killed me every time. :)

That's good to hear. To clarify, It was just disappointing that such a classic enemy-avoidance cheese such as Jumping on Rock or Climbing on Ladder is still part of modern gameplay.
simon.pete15 24 AGO a las 12:42 
Publicado originalmente por Dryspace:
Man! This was disappointing to read! It revealed that this is just a game, that can be cheesed like any other game.

I hadn't played new AAA games for a few years, and I was hoping that gameplay might have advanced somewhat.

This is a game released in 2019, intended for release in 2018 originally, it isn't new at all. In fact most of the mechanics of game play are rehashed from other games from around then. It's still a good game, imho, but there's nothing particularly new and it's all old hat now.
Dryspace 24 AGO a las 12:54 
Publicado originalmente por simon.pete15:
This is a game released in 2019, intended for release in 2018 originally, it isn't new at all. In fact most of the mechanics of game play are rehashed from other games from around then...

Wait --- I mean, that's a good thing, but...

When I said I hadn't played AAA games lately, I really mean that I haven't played a AAA game since 2017.

But at any rate, are you saying that AAA games have finally got serious about gameplay again? What AAA games would you say are the best PC games of the last ~5 years?
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