Aliens: Dark Descent

Aliens: Dark Descent

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General Spears 7.9.2023 klo 6.28
Aliens: Dark Descent - Patch 09/07

Notice of Progress on Planetary Operations on Lethe Undergoing Analysis.

All USCM Otago crew and Weyland-Yutani personnel are considered expendable for the acquisition and recovery of this data. You have been warned.

To recover the system update, follow the link below:


We have initiated the "Tindalos" protocol to expedite the development of the current simulation.

Be prepared for adaptations and changes to operational procedures.

Your cooperation in these urgent matters is greatly appreciated.

Remain vigilant and continue to check for updates as the calculation progresses to its conclusion.

MU-TH-UR 6000
Viimeisin muokkaaja on General Spears; 7.9.2023 klo 6.34
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Please, I beg you. Do something about my marines shouting "they're heading our way" every five seconds when the map is full of movement... I don't think I can stand it much longer :(
Are there spoilers in the patch notes this time?
How would the devs described the fixedness of this game as of now?
The klepto bug remains, but it seems minor to me.
All these fixes .....never occured to me how much they weren't even reported. and not one mention of new game plus. Got any more patches coming? Probably....maybe these bugs are directed related to something coming next year!
I just patched the game through Steam. I've been having the "Marines fire on sight" issue, and after the patch I loaded my last (mid-level) save, and the problem remains. Do I have to restart the mission? Reboot?
I thought I saw it too, but wasn't exactly sure. It's not as constant as it was at first, at least. They aren't consistently firing in sight.
From the patch notes:
"- Fix of the marine automatically firing at enemies while on the "undetected" state AND a shelter is possible to create."

My squad is still firing at enemies on sight while undetected, and I am unable to create a safe room, or save the game apart from scripted savepoints of going up or down elevators.

So patch no workee for me. :-(:steamsad:
i think that "AND" is the keyword. "Fix of the marine automatically firing at enemies while on the "undetected" state AND a shelter is possible to create" means that in the past, we could have marines engaging automatically and save at the same time, and that was buggy because if you aggro someone you are unable to create shelters.

Now i think that the problem of the marines engaging automatically is still there, but now you can't shelter yourself.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on ITA_Tommy92; 9.9.2023 klo 17.31
c_falk lähetti viestin:
I just patched the game through Steam. I've been having the "Marines fire on sight" issue, and after the patch I loaded my last (mid-level) save, and the problem remains. Do I have to restart the mission? Reboot?

Hello c_falk, sorry for the remaining issue ! in which phase are you when you load your save ? (DETECTED/UNDETECTED/DEFENSE/HUNT/...)
Focus | Nathan.R  [kehittäjä] 8.9.2023 klo 3.18 
Hello !

We are sorry that the problem of marines shooting on sight still seems to be present for some.
Is it possible to send us your backup files?
If you want to share your backup folder with us, here's how:

Here is where you can find the save file:
You can directly share the whole "SaveGames" folder to us.

Here is the Focus support email address to which you can send us the file:

We thank you for your help and while waiting to be able to study the problem, here is a possible solution to resolve the problem:

1- Find a shelter (Indicated with a green house icon on the map)
2- Closed all the shelter doors but do not rest the squad
3- Unweld the doors

Normally from here, the marines' automatic fire problem should resolve itself. I would like to point out that enemies should not come and unweld a door during the process.

Hoping this can help you and solve the problem while we can study it.

Thank you for your messages and sorry again for the problems you are experiencing.
Best regards,

Focus QA Team

I have sent the save directory as requested, and then I tried your suggestion about welding up and breaking weld without resting, and it worked. Thanks. Wasted a tool, but now I can continue :-)
Randomly the "A" button on xbox series controller stops working while on the Otago trying to do anything like make gear, change marines, add marine to training. Cant do it. Have to quit the game and restart to get it fixed.
I can't update the game in the steam deck. The downloading doesn't starts
After the patch the performance of the game thas was awful, some missions (Ex. Montero), the performance was ramdomly, I check my CPU and GPU metrics and The resoucers are low of 70% (the same metrics when before the patch with 60 fps) of capacity, and the game only go to 37 fps...

As an Workarround, I must close the game and launch it again, but you knows that we cannot have the option of close and save, and this issue oblies me to reback all advance unitl the last saved.
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