Bug: Person wants Freeuse but Isn't happy with it
Uma is wanting freeuse, but the level fails with that indicated as her issue.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
GeckoDev  [developer] 14 Aug @ 11:07am 
Hmm that is indeed strange. I will look into that :/
I have an idea what might be causing it. I accidentally put Voyeurism in with Luis. I pulled it out and he remained red and got upset even though it was not there at final calculation. Like it remembered that it was there at some point, so he was unhappy.
Menagerie 29 Aug @ 11:44am 
Just got the same thing. Teacup wanted freeuse, has freeuse and the error in the solution is "FREEUSE IS THE THRILL I'M CHASING"
I had a similar issue with ball gag, blindfold and massage oil. The effect applied to the characters were still present after removing those items. Even new characters moved to the room which previously held one of those items get their effects applied. This renders certain scenarios incompletable if an item has been misplaced before.
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